Hello -
Thank you for your question. If you need any additional
clarification, please don't hesitate to ask.
Companies doing this type of work generally fall under the category of
"teleservices," "outsoured sales," "outsourced telesales" or "contract
sales" agencies.
I spoke to a few such companies to confirm their ability to do what
you're looking for. The first three have Fortune 500/100-size
Contact: Rob Egulf
Sykes Enterprises, Inc.
Tampa, Florida
Corporate Headquarters:
400 North Ashley Drive Tampa, FL, USA 33602
Contact: Tom Maloney
One Griffin Brook Drive
Suite 101
Methuen, MA 01844-1865
Tel: 978-659-6500
Fax: 978-659-6410
Email: info@cerida.com
Edge Teleservices
Contact: Bill Bryce
Edge Teleservices
350 West Arden Avenue
Glendale, CA 91203
Contact: Kevin Casper
Kevin Kasper
E-mail: kkasper@callsolutions.com
Web: www.callsolutions.com
Additionally, I spoke to Customer Inter@ction Solutions, a publisher
who featured an October 2004 "Who's Who in Teleservices" in their
telemarketing magazine. The following companies are some of the best
in their field in the teleservices business.
"Once again, the editors of Customer Inter@ction Solutions have
compiled what is one of our top five most popular and requested
resources: the annual Teleservices Agencies Who?s Who listing. To make
this a highly valuable tool, we?ve kept it as simple as possible, to
present a large array of companies, many of whose services can be
custom fitted to suit your outsourcing needs to a tee.
We invite you to peruse these companies? Web sites and read about
their professional services, both domestic and abroad. In an economic
climate such as this, there is only one rule for certain: You can?t
afford to put your customer service into the hands of amateurs."
These companies do a variety of work in this area, and you'll have to
contact them or visit their websites to see if they're suitable for
your project.
A. Inbound
B. Outbound
C. Multilingual Services
D. Interactive (IVR)
E. E-mail capabilities
F. Text chat
A Varshyl Company
Vagish Kapila
Phone: 408-410-2240
E-mail: vkapila@varshyl.com
Web: www.varshyl.com
Services: A, B, C, E, F
ACCPAC International, Inc.
Jonathan Blackwell
Phone: 925-461-2625
E-mail: jonathan.blackwell@accpac.com
Web: www.accpacmessaging.com
Services: A, B, D, E
ACI Telecentrics Inc.
David Spaulding
Phone: 612-928-4700
E-mail: info@acitel.com
Services: A, B, C, D, E, F
ACP Interactive, LLC
Camille Wehner
Phone: 415-357-5123
E-mail: cwehner@acpinteractive.com
Web: www.acpinteractive.com
Services: A, B, C, D
Mark Heugly
Phone: 801-567-2327
E-mail: mark.heugly@acs-inc.com
Web: www.acs-inc.com
Services: A, C, D, E, F
Advanced Data-Comm, Inc.
Bill Strauss
Phone: 563-582-9501
E-mail: bstrauss@advanced-data.com
Web: www.advanced-data.com
Services: A, B, D, E
AFFINA ? The Customer Relationship Company
Steve Gonzalez
Phone: 877-4-AFFINA
E-mail: services@affina.com
Web: www.affina.com
Services: A, B, C, D, E, F
Alta Resources
Alisa Barth
Phone: 877-464-2582
E-mail: info@altaresources.com
Web: www.altaresources.com
Services: A, B, C, D, E, F
AM PM Calling Limited (New Zealand)
Andrew Morrow
Phone: +64 4915 5223
E-mail: amorrow@ampmcalling.co.nz
Web: www.ampmcalling.co.nz
Services: A, B, C, D, E
AnswerNet Network
Gary Pudles
Phone: 800-411-5777/609-921-7450
E-mail: gary@answernet.com
Web: www.answernet.com
Services: A, B, C, D, E, F,
ARO Virtual Contact Center
Michael Amigoni
Phone: 816-777-5008
E-mail: mamigoni@callcenteroptions.com
Web: www.callcenteroptions.com
Services: A, B, C, E
The Beryl Companies
Angela Douglas
Phone: 817-355-5040
E-mail: beryl@beryl.net
Web: www.beryl.net
Services: A, B, C, D, E, F
Tom Sevigny
Phone: 978-659-6500
E-Mail: tomsevigny@cerida.com
Web: www.cerida.com
Services: A, B, E, F
CallNet Call Center Services, Inc.
Charles Webb
Phone: 800-237-6602 or 812-355-8200
E-mail: cwebb@callnetservices.com
Web: www.callnetservices.com
Services: A
Kevin Kasper
Phone: 262-827-6404
E-mail: kkasper@callsolutions.com
Web: www.callsolutions.com
Customer Focus Services
Steve Durham
Phone: (323) 653-3367
E-mail: steve@customerfocusservices.com
Web: www.customerfocusservices.com
Services: A, B, C, D, E
CanTalk Canada Inc.
Maureen Mitchells
Phone: 800-480-1686
E-mail: mmitchells@cantalk.com
Web: www.cantalk.com
Services: A, B, C, D, E
Center Partners, Inc.
Martha Lanaghen
Phone: 800-519-3532
E-mail: martha.lanaghen@centerpartners.com
Web: www.centerpartners.com
Services: A, B, C, D, E, F
Rod Schwegel
Phone: 608-259-8004, ext. 242
E-mail: rschwegel@tcgcorp.net
Web: www.tcgcorp.net
Services: A, B, C, D, E, F
The Connection Outsourced Call Center
Auralie Simi
Phone: 800-883-5777
E-mail: sales@the-connection.com
Web: www.the-connection.com
Type of services offered: A, B, C, D, E, F
CustomerLink, LLC
Martin Pettersson
Phone: 218-722-2800 or 800-722-2808
E-mail: mpetters@customerlinkone.com
Web: www.customer-link.com
Services: A, B, C, E
Diana Quinci Telecomarketing Corp. (Philippines)
Victor Romano
Phone: +632-5278181 LOC 106
E-mail: victormromano@yahoo.com
Directfin Solutions (South Africa)
Anthony Wittels
Phone: +27-21-957-6700
E-mail: anthonyw@directfinsolutions.co.za
Web: www.directfinsolutions.co.za
Services: B
enGenic Corp.
Jim Coulter
Phone: 800-ENGENIC (800-364-3642)
E-mail: sales@engenic.com
Web: www.engenic.com
Services: A, B, C, D, E, F
e-Services Group International (Jamaica)
Mark Rovenstine
Phone: 918-335-2522
E-mail: www.markrovenstine@cableone.com
Web: www.e-servicesgroup.com
Services: A, B, C, E, F
Excell Agent Services, L.L.C.
Heather Weber
Phone: 602-808-1511
E-mail: sales@excellagent.com
Web: www.excellagent.com
Services: A
Foundation Marketing Group
Randolph H. Liberman
Phone: 800-290-8714
E-mail: info@foundationmarketing.com
Web: www.foundationmarketing.com
Services: A, B, E, F
The Frantz Group
Doug Niemeyer
Phone: 262.204.6137
E-mail: dgniemeyer@thefrantzgroup.com
Web: www.thefrantzgroup.com
Services: A, B, C, D, E, F
Full Perspective Video Services, Inc.
Charles J. Selden
Phone: 973-746-0421
E-Mail: selden@fpvid.com
Web: www.fpvid.com
Services: A, B, C, D, E
GC Services Limited Partnership
Jeff Shiovitz
Phone: 212-775-9322
E-mail: business.development@gcserv.com
Web: www.gcserv.com
Services: A, B, C, D, E, F
Global Respondez Inc.
Venkat Sankaran
Phone : 908-561-5154
E-mail : venkat@globalrespondez.com
Web: www.globalrespondez.com
Services: A, B, D, E, F
Hamilton Contact Center Services
Angela Morris
Phone: 402-694-4343
E-mail: marketing@hamiltontm.com
Web: www.hamiltontm.com
Services: A, B, D, E, F
Harte-Hanks, Inc.
James Barry
Phone: 800-456-9748
E-mail: contactus@harte-hanks.com
Web: www.harte-hanks.com
Services: A, B, C, D, E, F
Help Desk NOW Inc.
Larry Shaw
Phone: 888-861-7070
E-mail: larry.shaw@helpdesknow.com
Web: www.helpdesknow.com
Services: A, B, C, D, E, F
The Heritage Company, Inc.
Marilyn Michie
Phone: 800-643-8822, ext. 1142
E-mail: mmichie@theheritagecompany.com
Web: www.theheritagecompany.com
Services: A, B, E
Hispanic Teleservices Corporation
Kit Cooper
Phone: 888-807-1212
E-mail: kit.cooper@htc.to
Web: www.htc.to
Services: A, B, C, D, E, F
IDS Infotech Limited (India)
Rajnish Mehta
Phone: +91-172-3952404 or +91-98146 10055
E-mail: rajnish@idsil.com
Web: www.idsil.com
Services: A, B, D, E, F
Influent Inc.
Hayley Weinper
Phone: 800-856-6768, ext. 3054
E-mail: hayley@influentinc.com
Web: www.influentinc.com
Services: A, B, C, D
InfoCision Management Corporation
Todd Grable
Phone: 330-668-1400
E-mail: todd.grable@infocision.com
Web: www.infocision.com
Services: A, B, C, D, E, F
Innovative Marketing Strategies, Inc.
Maree Hickey
Phone: 610-491-9052
E-mail: mhickey@ims-ca.com
Web: www.ims-ca.com
Services: A, B
Integra Telecom
John M. O?Halloran
Phone: 952-746-7066
e-mail: john.oh@integratelecom.com
Web: integratelecom.com
Services: A, B, E
Shelly Photiades
Phone: 207-771-2959
Web: www.intellicare.com
Services: A, B, C
InTouch Solutions
Greg Kurtz
Phone: 630-369-3230
E-mail: gregk@its-smartcalls.com
Web: www.its-smartcalls.com
Services: B, D
IVR Technology Group
Robert Highway
Phone: 800-438-1709 x21
E-mail: bobh@ivrtechgroup.com
Web: www.ivrtechgroup.com
Services: D, E
Lana Call Center (United Arab Emirates)
Ibrahim Al-Sasi
Phone: +971-4-2617971 or +971-50-7180156
E-mail: manager@lanacenter.com
Web: www.lanacall.com
Services: A, B, C, D, E
Link To Success, Inc.
Jim Daughton
Phone: 800-541-LINK (5465)
E-mail: link@spacestar.net
Web: www.roimark.com/link
Services: A, B, C, D, E, F
Chris DeLambo
Phone: 503-652-6000
E-mail: cdelambo@livebridge.com
Web: www.livebridge.com
Services: A, B
MicahTek Inc.
Michael Jones
Phone: 800.303.4436, ext. 3104
E-mail: mjones@micahtek.com
Web: www.micahtek.com
Services: A
MphasiS BPO
John Bugh
Phone 972-712-7426
E-mail: john.bugh@mphasis.com
Web: www.mphasis.com
Service: A, B, C, E, F
OKS-Ameridial Worldwide
Steve Trifelos
Phone: 800-445-7128, ext. 260
E-mail: trifelos@oksameridial.com
Web: www.oksameridial.com
Services: A, B, C, D, E, F
OSC Teleservices
Paula Wilkinson
Phone: 800-658-2143
E-mail: info@oscteleservices.com
Web: www.oscteleservices.com
Services: A, B, C, D, E, F
PharmaCare Specialty Pharmacy
Stephen Gissendanner
Phone: 800-238-7828
E-mail: sagissendanner@pharmacare.com
Web: www.pharmacare.com
Services: A, B, C, D
Perfexa Solutions
Todd Regan
Phone: 1-866-PERFEXA (737-3392)
E-mail: tregan@perfexa.com
Web: www.perfexa.com
Services: A, B, E, F
Performance Telemarketing, Inc.
Matthew Ahlers
Phone: 605-665-1552
E-mail: mcahlers@performancetm.com
Web: www.performancetm.com
Services: A, B, C, D
Phonologies (India) Private Limited
Prashant Lamba
Phone: +91-22-22029732
E-mail: prashant@phonologies.com
Web site: www.phonologies.com
Services: A, B, D, E
Tim Smith
Phone: +63-2-878-1500 (Philippines)
E-mail: timsmith@qinteraction.com
Web: www.qinteraction.com
Services: A, B, C, D, E, F
Phone: 805-578-9100
E-mail: info@quoquam.com
Web: www.quoquam.com
Services A, B, C, D
RSA Solutions, Inc.
Cindy Heximer
Phone: 716-564-4631
E-mail: cindy.heximer@rsa.fiserv.com
Web: www.rsa-net.com
Services: A, B, C, D, E, F
S&D Marketing
Ron Brown
Phone: 267-254-5051
E-mail: ronbrown@sdmarketing.com
Web: www.sdmarketing.com
Services offered: A, B, C, D, E, F
Selway Group, Inc.
Stephen Matlock
Phone: 480 969 2350
E-mail: smatlock@email.com
Web: www.selwaygroup.com
Services: A, C, D, E, F
Sento Corporation
John Morgan
Phone: 801-772-1520
E-mail: john_morgan@sento.com
Web: www.sento.com
Services: A, B, D, E, F
Servit Consultanta SRL (Romania)
Claudiu Dumitrescu
Phone: +40723250477
E-mail: contact@romsourcing.com
Web: www.romsourcing.com
Services: B, C, E, F
Tamara Caponegro
Phone: 609-921-7450
E-mail: tamara.caponegro@signius.com
Web: www.signius.com
Services: A, B, C, D, E, F
SITEL Corporation
John Trocher
Phone: 410-203-2110
E-mail: john.trocher@sitel.com
Web: www.sitel.com
Services: A, B, C, D, E, F
Solus Telemarketing (South Africa)
Hamish Haddow
Phone: +27217131915
E-mail: hamish@solus.co.za
Web: www.solus.co.za
Services: A, B, C, D, E, F
Sound Telecom
Michael L. LaBaw
Phone: 425-392-3120
E-mail: mlabaw@sound-tele.com
Web: www.sound-tele.com, www.solaxis.com
Services: A, B, C, D, E, F
The Survey Center
Jay Ambrose
Phone: 508-477-7777
E-mail: jambrose@thesurveycenter.com
Web: www.thesurveycenter.com
Services: B, E
Sykes Enterprises, Inc.
Sales dept.
Phone: 800-TO-SYKES
Web: www.sykes.com
Services: A, C, D, E, F
Synergy Solutions, Inc.
Lori Fentem
Phone: 602-296-1601
E-mail: llfentem@callsynergy.com
Web: www.synergysolutionsinc.com
Services: A, B, C, D
System Development Company of New Hampshire, Inc. (SDC)
Robin Davis
Phone: 603-629-4242
E-mail: rdavis@sdc-nh.com
Web: www.sdc-nh.com
Services: A, D, E
Talk2Rep Call Centers
Jim Ryan
Phone: 866-856-2Rep
E-mail: sales@talk2rep.com
Web: www.talk2rep.com
Services: A, B, C, D, E, F
TechTeam Global
Jim Hoen
Phone: 248-263-5644
E-mail: jhoen@techteam.com
Web: www.techteam.com
Services: A, B, C, D, E, F
Telacquire Marketing Group Inc.
Edward Soorany
Phone: 604-677-7780
E-mail: info@telacquire.com
Web: www.telacquire.com
Type of services offered: A, B, C, D, E, F
Mark Alexander
Phone: 800-482-5556
E-mail: mark@telepartners.com
Web: www.telepartners.com
Services offered: A, B, C, D, E, F
The Telephone Centre
Mike Foust
Phone: 336.574.3000
E-mail: mfoust@telectr.com
Web site: www.telectr.com
Services: A, B, C, E
Joseph Simpkins
Phone: 800-638-2000
E-mail: jsimpkins@telerep.com
Web: www.telerep.com
Services: A, B, C, D, E, F
Ron Abel
Phone: 800-2-TELERX
E-mail: solutions@telerx.com
Web: www.telerx.com
Services: A, C, D, E, F
TeleTech Holdings, Inc.
Julie Lucas
Phone: 800-TELETECH or 303-397-8100
E-mail: info@teletech.com
Web: www.teletech.com
Services: A, B, C, D, E, F
Ayn Owens
Phone: 972-312-5109
E-mail: ayn_owens@telvista.com
Web: www.telvista.com
Services: A, C, D, E, F
TMONE : TOTAL Marketing One
Ethan Davis
Phone: 877-868-6738
E-mail: edavis@tmone.com
Web: www.tmone.com
Services: A, B, D, E, F
Touchstone Communications (U.S./Pakistan)
Mike Meyer
Phone: 817-255-4008
E-mail: mmeyer@touchstonebpo.com
Web: www.touchstonebpo.com
Services: A, B
TransData (Pakistan)
Phone: 213-291-1539 or +92-42-7520160
E-mail: masood@transdata.biz
Web: www.transdata.biz
Services: A, B, C, D, E, F
Unicall International, Inc.
Benjamin C. Harris
Phone: 330-864-9364
E-mail: bharris1118@neo.rr.com
Web: www.unicallinc.com
Services: A, B, D, E, F
Visions Marketing Services, Inc.
Allan Geller
Phone 800-222-1577
E-mail: allan@vmsmkt.com
Web: www.wecloseloans.com
Services: A, B, C, D, E
Viteos Technologies Limited (U.S./India)
Lokesh Madan
Phone: 866-484-8367
E-mail: lmadan@viteos.com
Web: www.viteos.com
Services: A, B, C, D, E, F
Voice Mail Broadcasting Corporation
Brad Beebe
Phone: 877-840-8622
E-mail: bbeebe@vmbc.com
Web: www.vmbc.com
Services: A, B, D
West Teleservices
Sales dept.
Phone: 800-841-9000
E-mail: sales@west.com
Web: www.west.com
Services: A, B, C, D
Xtent (a Valdel Group Company)
Michael Miller
Phone: 623-825-5439
E-mail: michael.miller@valdel-xtent.com
Web: www.valdel-xtent.com
Services: A, B, C, D, E, F
Additional info/sources
Customer Inter@ction Solutions
Tracy Schelmetic
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