Movie: Des épaules solides (Strong Shoulders)
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Movies and Film Asked by: archae0pteryx-ga List Price: $11.18 |
23 Feb 2005 21:03 PST
Expires: 25 Feb 2005 18:11 PST Question ID: 479791 |
Where can I obtain (rent or purchase) a copy of this 2002 French/Swiss indie film? It has been shown in the U.S., but I haven't been able to find listings among commercially available media at consumer prices. Thank you, Archae0pteryx |
There is no answer at this time. |
Re: Movie: Des épaules solides (Strong Shoulders)
From: am777-ga on 24 Feb 2005 02:16 PST |
Hi, According to this website the movie isnt available in the US yet, if I have interpreted the last sentence right.......... Strong Shoulders AKA: Des Épaules Solides 2002, 96 minutes, French with English subtitles. Under the supervision of Swiss-French director Ursula Meier comes the story of 15-year-old Sabine, played by Louis Szpindel, whose one single goal in life is to win. She attends a special training camp for athletes where she races in the 400 meters event, although she would move up to the 800 meters if it where not for her coach who believes she must master the 400 first. Her drive is to the point of obsession and as a viewer you question if this young woman has the emotional and physical health to withstand the demands she places on herself. With a five week build to the championship event, this film does not provide you a typical finale as most predictable sport films. A cameo appearance is made by Olympic gold medallist Marion Jones, who is shown warming up in a corridor, as a symbol to Sabine of all that she stides for as she tries to be her best in the context to her coach, fellow athletes, friends, family, and above all else her relationship to herself. This film was nominated for Best Picture in Switzerland in 2004 and brought home half a dozen awards from film festivals in 2003. This production has yet to obtain a distributor in the United States. http://www.runningmovies.com/s.htm Anne-Marie |
Re: Movie: Des épaules solides (Strong Shoulders)
From: am777-ga on 24 Feb 2005 02:45 PST |
http://www.swissfilms.ch/detail_f.asp?PNr=-1214147893 while it is a swiss production it doesnt even seem available on DVD in Switzerland http://www.swissdvdrental.com/catalog/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=des+epaules+solides&x=6&y=7 http://www.bol.ch/shop/boc_fil_startseite/schnellsuche/film/?fc=FILM_TITEL&fq=des+epaules+solides&submit.x=9&submit.y=9&submit=search hope this helps......... |
Re: Movie: Des épaules solides (Strong Shoulders)
From: am777-ga on 24 Feb 2005 07:21 PST |
Hi archae0opteryx, I sent an e-mail to the swiss "bol.com" store and the woman answering told me that neither of their suppliers have the film available. Guten Tag Vielen Dank für Ihre Anfrage. Leider kann ich nur sehr schlecht Englisch, weshalb ich Ihnen in Deutsch antworte. Den Film "des epaules solides" können wir leider bei keinem unserer Lieferanten bestellen. Es tut mir leid, dass ich Ihnen kein Angebot machen kann und bitte Sie um Verständnis. Freundliche Grüsse und einen schönen Tag wünscht Ihnen Sonja Dennenmoser Anne-Marie |
Re: Movie: Des épaules solides (Strong Shoulders)
From: archae0pteryx-ga on 24 Feb 2005 19:49 PST |
Why, thank you, Anne Marie. I believe you have answered my question as much as it can be answered. When I saw showings of this film listed in the U.S., such as at a film festival on a college campus in Minnesota, I figured it must be available in the States. But if there's no U.S. distributor, I'm not going to find it available for purchase. (Thank you especially for your inquiry to the Swiss company and for posting their reply!) So--I guess I'll just check sources again in another year or so. So--you saved me a fee. Thank you! I do not like to deprive the designated researchers of their earnings, but in this case there was not going to be an answer. So can I treat you to a question? Thanks, Archae0pteryx |
Re: Movie: Des épaules solides (Strong Shoulders)
From: am777-ga on 25 Feb 2005 02:13 PST |
Why, thank you for your kind offer archae0opteryx!!! Yes, you can treat me to a question, though I have experienced that questions on "computer issues" arent the easiest one to answer......... What I did was format the C-drive of another computer that was completely stuck. (that is you could push the start button and the Windows 98 programm would load etc. but clicking on either one of the icons on the desktop wouldnt load the program required) The owner of the computer reckons that the computer was stuck due to some kind of virus. (Trojan Horse?) The issue is that the installation CD-rom Windows 98 starts running, but after it has prepared the wizard Windows 98 Setup to help me through the rest of the installation proces ( the blue sign underneath gives a 100% done "message"), a huge black space comes across this installation message and computer stops running the CD-rom; so it is stuck again!!!! > Could it be that the computer is damaged due to the virus beyond repair? Thanks, Anne-Marie |
Re: Movie: Des épaules solides (Strong Shoulders)
From: archae0pteryx-ga on 25 Feb 2005 18:11 PST |
Done, Anne-Marie. Please see #481006. You can administer that one through the comments section and let me know when you consider it answered satisfactorily. I'll close this one now. Archae0pteryx |
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