No rush on this question and it's sadly underpriced, but I'm hoping for some luck.
I'm an American seeking to emigrate to New Zealand. When I go I will
have a B.A. in History and an M.A. in Journalism. I would like to get
a job, hopefully, as a news reporter or news researcher, but having
never been to New Zealand, I have no idea where I should concentrate
my searches or inquiries.
Here's the question:
What news outlets are there in New Zealand's largest cities?
Specifically, and in order of priority from highest to lowest,
Wellington, Auckland, Christchurch and Dunedin. I'm also looking not
just for the obvious stuff like the NZ Herald or the Dominion Post,
but also for alternative media, news magazines, general interest
magazines that have a news content, and television and radio stations.
Additionally, is there a New Zealand media trade magazine that
functions like Editor and Publisher does in the United States? |