1. A photo collection on Camp Amache is available here.
Camp Amache, Japanese-American internment camp
2. One persons narrative on racism in America had a small cite on the
"There was another people group in my little Colorado town, a group of
five.They were a Japanese American family who settled there after
being releasedfrom an internment camp on the eastern prairie of
Colorado after the end ofWorld War II, a camp I knew nothing about
until long after I left Colorado"
3. A Colorado historical timeline.
Camp Amache, a Japanese-American internment camp, opens near Granada,
Colorado with 7,000 detainees."
4. Obituary of a Mr. Hinman who taught at the camp.
Mr. Hinman was an educator for over twenty years teaching at Amache,
CO WRA Japanese Internment Camp and the Albuquerque Indian School
5. From the Colorado archives...story and photo's
"Ariel Photo of Granada Center from the Water Tower - Granada
Relocation Center, Amache, Colorado. B-624 , Joe McClelland , 6/20/43"
6.Granada Specific Sites
Denver Post Story on Granada Survivor Hank Okubo
Granada High School Amache Preservation Society
Confinement and Ethnicity: An Overview of World War II Japanese
American Relocation Sites - Granada Ch. 5
University of Denver Museum of Anthropology Exhibit on Amache
The Nomura Family Photograph Album of Amache
Colorado College Granada-Amache Collection
Auraria Library - Lloyd Garrison Collection - Amache Relocation Center
Auraria Library - Ernest Tigges Papers - Amache Relocation Center
Auraria Library - Joseph McClelland Collection - Amache Relocation
Auraria Library - Kathy Odum Collection - Amache Relocation Center
List of Archival Collections regarding Amache-Granada
Riley Frazee's Amache Web Site
Whispered Silences: Japanese Americans and WWII
Story of Stanford Professors' Journey from Academia to Amache
Legends from Camp - A Multimedia Presentation
I hope these sites provide you with all the information you need.
A sad time. Many of my friends in Los Angeles were at Manzanar as
Brad-ga |
Clarification of Answer by
01 Aug 2002 23:48 PDT
On the mainland of the USA were relocation camps for Germans, Japanese
and an smaller assortment of others.
"Under the auspices of the alien enemy program the Immigration and
Naturalization Service (INS) received the number of internees by
nationality and country as follows (please note that the numbers do
not include the 5,620 Japanese Americans who renounced their American
citizenship and 4 Japanese aliens who were from Pacific Islands other
than Hawaii:
Continental U.S. 10,905 3,278 8,004 243 "
The only "official" internment camp of Ft Logan, CO is not near Monte
You helped by mentioning German prisoners. Various sites state that
the Germans were detained for the most part in Texas at
Kenedy,Seagoville and Crystal City(2000).
The Monte Vista historical sites mention nothing about WWII internment
I did review maps of Monte Vista, Ft Logan and a zoom out of the
Highway 160 by Monte Vista heading SE towards New Mexico and Texas.
This information led me to surmise that the prisoners you saw were
likely in transition to the Texas camps especially if they were
Germans or German-Americans. Even the narratives of former German
prisoners in the USA during WWII all point to Crystal City or one of
the other Texas camps.
The only known official internment camp was the Amache camp which as
you know was a Japanese-American camp in Granada.
See the listed archive site for Colorado. A search on that site shows
no German or other WWII camps other than Amache in Granada.
It is not likely that state archivists are hiding "unofficial" camp
history. It would have leaked out by now through those stories by
Germans who discussed their captivity in Texas