The book was called "The Lost Treasure of Rip Van Winkle." It was
privately printed by the Kaaterskill Foundation as part of a tourism
promotion in 1984, and it originally sold for $5.95.
Here are two interesting accounts of how the book came to be
Armchair Treasure Hunt: The Lost Treasure of Rip Van Winkle
Hunts: The Lost Treasure of Rip Van Winkle
Apparently, although the treasure was found, the name of the person
who found it was never released. (This is understandable. I don't
think I would want the whole world to know that I had a solid gold
bowling pin in my house.)
The Kaaterskill Foundation (now called Greene County Tourism) also
published a sequel, "Captain Kidd and the Missing Crown," in which
gold has been hidden somewhere along the Hudson River. I have not seen
any information that would indicate that this treasure has yet been
Further information about both books can probably been obtained from
the Greene County Promotion Department.
Greene County Promotion Department
P.O. Box 527, Catskill, NY 12414
Phone: 518-943-3223 or 800-355-CATS(2287)
Fax: (518)943-2296
Search strategy:
"rip van winkle" + "treasure hunt"
Happy hunting!
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