>What are the WHO water quality standards and guidelines for potable water?<
The WHO Guidelines and standards for drinking-water quality are
available to view or download from the Who website.
The title of this publication is: Guidelines for Drinking-Water
Quality, 3rd edition
Here is the direct link to download the information you requested:
Guidelines for Drinking-Water Quality, 3rd edition
?The first and second editions of the Guidelines for Drinking-water
Quality were used by developing and developed countries worldwide as
the basis for regulation and standard setting to ensure the safety of
drinking-water. They recognized the priority that should be given to
ensuring microbial safety and provided guideline values for a large
number of chemical hazards.
This edition of the Guidelines has been comprehensively updated to
take account of developments in risk assessment and risk management
since the second edition. It describes a ?Framework for Drinking-water
Safety? and discusses the roles and responsibilities of different
stakeholders, including the complementary roles of national
regulators, suppliers, communities and independent ?surveillance?
Developments in this edition of the Guidelines include significantly
expanded guidance on ensuring the microbial safety of drinking-water ?
in particular through comprehensive system-specific ?water safety
plans?. Information on many chemicals has been revised to account for
new scientific information and information on chemicals not previously
considered has been included. For the first time, reviews of many
waterborne pathogens are provided.?
Download here:
Here are the previous editions of the Guidelines for Drinking-Water Quality
Download from here:
WHO Water, Sanitation and Health
Search criteria.
WHO quality standards and guidelines
I hope this is helpful.
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |