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Crystal meth first time user
Category: Health Asked by: pixiedust07-ga List Price: $4.50 |
01 Mar 2005 04:06 PST
Expires: 31 Mar 2005 04:06 PST Question ID: 482801 |
Yesterday I did crystal for the first time, and about 8 hours into it I began to feel really nauseous, this feeling has been with me for about a day now and is improving slightly. My question is how long should I expect this to last and is there anything I can do in the meantime to make myself feel better? (If this is any help I snorted 3 lines) Much Thanks in advance. |
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Re: Crystal meth first time user
Answered By: cynthia-ga on 01 Mar 2005 06:35 PST |
pixiedust, Nausea is a common symptom of using crystal meth. If you had done any more, it's likely you would also be vomiting. Time is the only cure. If you use it again, it's an absolute certainty you will feel the nausea again. Symptoms are directly proportional to the amount you do, and how long, how many times you have done it. The longer you do it, the more times you do it, the MORE symptoms you will experience. You posted this question early Tuesday morning, which is about 32 hours after you first snorted it. You can expect the nausea to be completely gone after you crash, and wake up. You should be able to sleep tonight. After you wake up, you will feel drained, and you may have to eat before you feel totally normal again. The thing about meth is, the amount of time you are UP, is nearly identical to the time it will take you to recover from the drug. All told, it'll be about 7-8 days before you feel completely normal again. There'a a whole list of symptoms that crystal meth causes. Everyone experiences the effect of not being able to sleep, and as far as the other symptoms are concerned, some people feel nauseated, some don't, but if you DO feel any of the symptoms on the list below, YOU WILL REPEAT THEM: Crystal Meth - WHat is it? http://www.zoot2.com/news/February04/crystal_meth.asp Acute Problems - Some users experience: - delusional thinking, paranoid, violent behaviour - itching, welts on the skin - impulsive decision making - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea - increased blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature and risk of stroke - uncontrolled body movements - seizures (can be fatal) Also, just because you didn't feel any of the other acute reactions, does not mean you WON'T get them NEXT TIME. The only thing you can count on is feeling nauseated again, and possibly worse. LOOK AT THAT LIST. Does any of that appeal to you? Now for the lecture. There's lots of drugs out there. Some are worse than others. METH IS ONE OF THE WORST DRUGS ON THE PLANET. It is HIGHLY addictive, it literally FRIES your brain cells. Brain cells do not repair themselves, once they are gone, they are gone, so you are literally a few hundred thousand (or million) brain cells short today. The stuff puts an incredible amount of stress on your heart. Our hearts only has so many beats until we die. Sure exercise strengthens your heart, but this is not exercize, this is certain addiction and early death. Just think, as your heart races and is stressed because of this horrid drug, all those heartbeats are coming off the end of your life. The Dangers of Crystal Meth http://d.whyville.net/smmk/whytimes/article?id=4484 Some of the ingredients are listed below. NOTE THEY ARE ALL POISON (except ephedrine which causes heart damage) DRAINO (yup - drain cleaner) MURIATIC ACID (used to clean the sides of swimming pools, among other things) RED DEVIL LYE (another drain cleaner, so caustic it dissolves/melts human bones) ACETONE (fingernail polish remover) CAMPSTOVE FUEL (yup - like gasoline) RED PHOSPHORUS (the striking pad on a book of matches, and in fireworks) EPHEDRINE or PSEUDOEPHEDRINE (outlawed for causing heart attacks and strokes) IODINE (the stuff you put on a cut) DO YOU WANT TO PUT ANY OF THAT STUFF IN YOUR BODY? HOW ABOUT ALL OF IT, THROUGH YOUR NOSE? - - YOU ALREADY DID !! People die making the stuff, and even more people die doing the stuff. METHAMPHETAMINE http://www.lansingpolice.com/site/sforces/sos/methamphetamine.htm ..."Methamphetamine use increases the heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, and rate of breathing, and it frequently results in violent behavior in users. Meth also dilates the pupils and produces temporary hyperactivity, euphoria, a sense of increased energy, and tremors. High doses or chronic use have been associated with increased nervousness, irritability, and paranoia. Withdrawal from high doses produces severe depression. Chronic abuse produces a psychosis similar to schizophrenia and is characterized by paranoia, picking at the skin, self absorption, and auditory and visual hallucinations. Violent and erratic behavior is frequently seen among chronic, high-dose methamphetamine abusers. The most dangerous stage of the binge cycle is known as "tweaking." Typically, during this stage, the abuser has not slept in three to fifteen days and is irritable and paranoid. The tweaker has an intense craving for more meth; however, no dosage will help recreate the euphoric high. This causes frustration and leads to unpredictability and a potential for violence..." Smoking pot will get you a slap on the wrist by the police, but crystal meth will land you in JAIL, no joke. The police are incredibly hard on users, leaning on them for information as to where they purchased it, and the judges give NO BREAKS for possession. If you live in a state that has INTERNAL Possession laws, you can go to jail and be charged with possession simply for being high, and the cops can ALWAYS spot a tweaker. Those scabs and scars meth users have on their face and arms are from picking at themselves. Do you want to get stuck in front of a mirror picking at your face, knowing it's wrong, but not being able to stop? Then, you will have scars and never be able to forget. The manufacturing process of meth is extrememly dangerous. Meth labs are toxic time bombs as they contain highly flammable materials and deadly chemicals. Unintended reactions from mixing chemicals could lead to fires and/or explosions causing damage to people and property. The toxic fumes, gases, and corrosive wastes cause acute and chronic health risks to human health and the environment. If one step in the process is done wrong, there can be an explosion, killing or injuring everyone nearby. The fumes are poisonous. Of course, since the people making it are tweaking, the chances are great they will screw up sooner than later. What if the person making this stuff likes next door to someone you love? PLEASE DON'T PERPETUATE THE PROBLEM. DON'T USE IT AGAIN!!! The symptoms you experience will only intensify and get worse, look at the list, right now you only have nausea. Go ahead, pick another one. If you keep doing it, YOU WILL GET MORE SYMPTOMS ON THAT LIST. It's simple. Just say NO. No is a small word, one syllable, easy to say. - NO. Come 'on, say it with me: - N O - No thanks, No I don't want any, No I don't like the stuff, No it makes me nauseated.... However the word gets out of your mouth, be sure it does. And while you're at it, get some new friends. I don't care what you rate me. I just hope I have shocked you into reality. If you say NO next time it is offered to you, I will have done my job here. LOVE YOURSELF - SAY NO TO METH ~~Cynthia | |
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Re: Crystal meth first time user
From: silver777-ga on 01 Mar 2005 05:08 PST |
HEY I can't answer your question. But I can answer your unasked question. I read your post 3 times to comprehend what you are talking about. I refuse to resist responding, as your question is urgent. YOU are too important for me to sit on my hands waiting for someone else to answer your question. I now realise that you are "doing" drugs. I offer no excuse for my naivety in what I have now realised. DO NOT BECOME A SECOND TIME USER. Whatever it is you have experimented with, get the hell out of there. If as I suspect you are a young person, please consider your future, your family if you have such and your potential. I hope that you nausia will go away. I'm sure it will in time. Your body is telling you something, listen to it. PLEASE focus on how good you feel naturally within yourself and your potential use of energy without the use of a man made substance. Think about this: Whatever drug you have put a name to does not exist naturally. There is a reason for that. Don't stuff with nature, don't stuff with your life. I have had the displeasure of choosing to help strangers and "acquaintances" when I did not understand what was happening. It is not a pretty sight for a helper to see someone stop breathing and turning green. A short term high has long term costs to pay for the supposed privelage, let alone the frightening impact you place upon your family and friends. If you are seeking attention, be honest with yourself and look for other avenues to better yourself and those around you. If you have other stresses in your life, you will find lots of good people willing to help. You need only ask and they will appear. I smoke legal cigarettes and drink legal alcohol. I am not proud of either and have become a slave to the &^%$#@! cigarettes. To me, that's bad enough in my failure to overcome them. No one's perfect, but it does help to have someone give us a kick in the bum occassionally. I am concerned by your choice of "handle". If you are playing games here, you are wasting your time. If you want honest help, you will find many more learned than I to assist you. Phil |
Re: Crystal meth first time user
From: siliconsamurai-ga on 01 Mar 2005 05:15 PST |
Darwin strikes again |
Re: Crystal meth first time user
From: silver777-ga on 01 Mar 2005 05:19 PST |
Siliconsamuarai, Perhaps, but if genuine, don't we have a moral obligation to offer help? Phil |
Re: Crystal meth first time user
From: pecospearl-ga on 01 Mar 2005 06:55 PST |
After watching my 39 year old son throw his life away on meth I think you might want to reconsider this drug. My son, who had been a good father and husband wound broke, in jail and alienated to all his friends and family with meth bugs (sores) all over his body. |
Re: Crystal meth first time user
From: synapse666b-ga on 01 Mar 2005 07:35 PST |
whenever I see a meth head in full tweaky bloom I always paraphrase Shakespeare's "There's a method to his madness" into "there's a meth to his madness." And indeed there is. The fact that you would start out with three lines rather than one implies a recklessness you might choose to reconsider. |
Re: Crystal meth first time user
From: journalist-ga on 01 Mar 2005 08:42 PST |
Greetings Pixiedust07, The nausea you experienced was your body trying to eject the poisons you ingested. That's what meth is: Poison. Some of the ingredients of meth are: acetone; brake cleaner; denatured alcohol; drain opener; ether; paint thinner; rubbing alcohol; match heads; and sulphuric or muriatic acid. A meth user would save him/herself a lot of money by simply tipping back a bottle of Draino, eating the heads off some matches and, for a dessert cordial, sipping some muriatic acid (the latter is used to clean concrete). That way death would be swift without lengthy suffering although *my* recomendation is DON'T CONTINUE INGESTING THESE POISONS. A couple of years ago while covering a murder trial for a mid-state newspaper, I had the opportunity to witness the full effects of a man addicted to meth. While waiting for the jury to come back, the sheriff came and got me to come and see the man so I could see exactly what meth addiction looked like and report it in my column. I don't believe I've ever seen a thinner, more jittery nor ashen-skinned human in my life. He was being questioned by the sheriff while they waitied for an ambulance to transport him to the hospital. His behavior was not even human; he jerked and jumped at the slightest movement like a rabid animal, his speech was near to incoherent, and his skin was the color of bleached concrete. He was asked "When is the last time you slept?" and he shakily answered that he thought it was "about two weeks ago." The ambulance came, he was taken to the hospital and he later died during massive convulsions. Since you have recently introduced your body to this drug, I wanted you to know what you could look forward to in the near future if you continue to take it. People don't take meth; meth takes people. Wise up, journalist-ga |
Re: Crystal meth first time user
From: just4fun2-ga on 01 Mar 2005 11:08 PST |
My sister is a meth user. Lost her husband. Lost her business. Lost her home. Lost her oldest daughter. Lost her youngest daughter. Lost her older brother. Lost her younger brother. Lost spending Christmas with anyone. Lost everything! Customer of mine's son is a meth user. Got his mother beat by the police to an inch of her life. (she panicked when the police came to get him) Got his father beat (trying to save wife). Got put in jail. Both parents were threatened with jail. Police now follow parents whenever they see them - the police think parents are drug dealers. They aren't. Father can't find work. Mother almost got fired. Son now is in prison - Once a week the Jailers take him to the Governers House and he get to rake leaves and clean toilets. And you want to be a meth user..... "OH, BUT I JUST WANT TO FIT IN" - "OH, PLEASE LIKE ME, OTHER DRUG USERS...." PLEASE LIKE ME..... HAVE A Happy life METH USER !!!.... |
Re: Crystal meth first time user
From: just4fun2-ga on 01 Mar 2005 12:10 PST |
Oh yeah, I forget to tell you about the time my sister's daughters walked in on her, past out, in bed - naked - after her drug dealers (more than one) had finish having sex with her in exchange for meth. They (the daughters) woke up my sister (their mother) and then saw the meth on a bed stand. They took the meth and tried to flush it down the toilet. Well my sister got to them before they reached the bathroom..... Hmmm, I wonder what happened next? My sister become a whore because of meth. She couldn't work - no one would hire her. So I ask you - how did she get her meth...? And how will you get your's? How many guys will you have to have sex with? What will you have to do to get your drugs if you try Meth again? |
Re: Crystal meth first time user
From: tutuzdad-ga on 01 Mar 2005 16:12 PST |
This ought to be a good enough reason not to use meth. She didn't expect to end up like this either...Don't let it happen to you: http://www.stargazettenews.com/newsextra/drugs/img/methuse.jpg tutuzdad-ga |
Re: Crystal meth first time user
From: cynthia-ga on 01 Mar 2005 16:34 PST |
Holy Cow. I knew it was a really bad drug, but that progression speaks a thousand words. Only 10 years? She looks like she aged at least 40 years. |
Re: Crystal meth first time user
From: politicalguru-ga on 02 Mar 2005 02:59 PST |
I refer you also to Just4Fun's question here: http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=483057 |
Re: Crystal meth first time user
From: myoarin-ga on 02 Mar 2005 10:30 PST |
Pixiedust, Despite all that, I think you did the right thing to ask answer.google, and deserve a big compliment for knowing where to find the answer to your problem, and the posters deserve a much bigger compliment for their immediate and so heartfelt responses. Good luck! |
Re: Crystal meth first time user
From: barnacle_bill-ga on 04 Mar 2005 04:32 PST |
This has really affected me, in a way that I didn't think was possible. None of Siliconsamurai's bullshit remarks about natural selection (I hope to god this is not what you meant - if it was then GA please get rid of him... quick). I'm not even going to attempt to talk about the reasons why you should stop, it's not my job, only you can find that out. But what if you were my kid? what would I do? This question worries me, I could sit you down and talk to you about all the harm bla bla bla... I could show you pictures of how you'll look bla bla bla... but what could I do to make you stop or even not start? I just don't know, and thats what worries me. You are hurting yourself and there is nothing that can be done to stop you. To see your kid in pain, and to not be able to do anything, it's horrific. I'm not a religious man, but this could make me believe, just so I had some hope for you. Take care Ben |
Re: Crystal meth first time user
From: just4fun2-ga on 04 Mar 2005 10:07 PST |
Ben -- I think, No I believe, you summed up everyone's views perfectly! Thank you for taking the kinder approach that my postings lacked. |
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