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Q: Why is Pinkfreud's name in answer and comment headings violet instead of blue? ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   27 Comments )
Subject: Why is Pinkfreud's name in answer and comment headings violet instead of blue?
Category: Miscellaneous
Asked by: myoarin-ga
List Price: $2.00
Posted: 04 Mar 2005 03:23 PST
Expires: 03 Apr 2005 04:23 PDT
Question ID: 484553
I have just noticed that Pinkfreud's name always is violet instead of
the bright blue of other researchers' names.  Why?  Does she/Do you
have a special friend at G**gle that arranged this nice correlation to
the name?
Curiously, Myoarin
Subject: Re: Why is Pinkfreud's name in answer and comment headings violet instead of blue?
Answered By: pinkfreud-ga on 04 Mar 2005 10:32 PST
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Howdy-hi, Myoarin!

Since your actual question has already been answered by Xarqi, the
Prince of the Peanut Gallery, I shall take this opportunity to attempt
to provide meaningless entertainment rather than elucidation.

I wrote this ditty because I am mildly tickled by the fact that
"Google Answers Researcher" is commonly acronymized as "GAR."
Sometimes little things like that just dig into my brain and irritate
it, like a grain of sand in an oyster, causing the buildup of a
protective substance made of words. Here's the pearl:

~by pinkfreud

We are the Google Pirates,
We sails the Seven Seas;
We codes with Seven Sea-plus-plus
To please our parities.

There's a parity on one shoulder
And a JPEG leg we attach,
And to hide the eye the hook poked out
We wears a software patch. 

We has big shiny earrings,
But they makes our earlobes rot;
We thinks perhaps they ain't real gold
(For a buck an ear they're not.)

We are the Google Pirates
'Cuz that is who we are.
We are the Google Pirates. GAR. GAR. GAR.


(My apologies to Google, whose fault this isn't.)

I had been saving this verse for International Talk Like a Pirate Day
(September 19), but I noticed that it was beginning to smell strange
and might not keep until September 19. And nobody wants a rotten poem.


Request for Answer Clarification by myoarin-ga on 11 Mar 2005 09:53 PST
Norman,  you will indeed, here:
Stone          Stone            Stone       Stone
        Stone          Stone          Stone        Stone
               Stone            Stone       Stone         Stone

(Salvos by court hangers-on, experienced at this) 

(and now my "process" window has closed again at 10:15 PST.  Maybe the guy 
I'm translating for has clout with GA.)

Clarification of Answer by pinkfreud-ga on 11 Mar 2005 11:29 PST

I am required to respond to your request for clarification, but it
appears that you are not actually summoning me, so I'll just say
"howdy" and mosey on out.


Request for Answer Clarification by myoarin-ga on 12 Mar 2005 19:15 PST
How did my comment get here.  It is down below as such.  ??
In my frustration about not being able to post  - for ga system reasons -
I must have hit the wrong button. Sorry,
Now with hindsight, and for fun, I'll remark about your nice ditty:

Pirates like to join in before they have listened to four verses, eg:

"Fifteen men on a dead man's chest,
Yo ho ho and bottle of rum,
Drink and the devil had done for the rest,
Yo ho ho and bottle of rum,
When I was 12, I knew all the verses ...
Anyway, sorry to have now again forced you the reply.
Just type "read" 
Have a nice Sunday,

Clarification of Answer by pinkfreud-ga on 12 Mar 2005 19:33 PST
Thanks for the jolly pirate song! I loved that song when I was a kid,
because it reminded me of "Treasure Island."

As a youngster, I imagined a *very* large dead man, since he was big
enough that fifteen men could stand on his chest. Somehow it never
occurred to me that the chest was a treasure chest, not an area of the
piratical anatomy.


Request for Answer Clarification by myoarin-ga on 13 Mar 2005 05:38 PST
Dear Pink,
What girls will think ...!  That never occurred to me.
This has absolutely no relationship the that other question
about a a very abnormal practice.
Yes, "Treasure Island", with those illustrations by Wyeth (?).
Did you like Holling Clancy Holling's books too:  Tree in the Trail,
Paddle to the Sea, and especially "The Seabird" with its closing
quotation:  "and the spirit of God moved on the face of the waters."

But we've got to stop meating like this. It is unfair to force you to reply, 
delightful though it is  :-)

Clarification of Answer by pinkfreud-ga on 13 Mar 2005 10:45 PST
I've never read any Holling Clancy Holling. Other than "Treasure
Island," the only other seafaring books that ever really caught my
fancy were the novels of Patrick O'Brian.

myoarin-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars and gave an additional tip of: $2.00
Dear Pink,
I was about to answer when I was called away to dinner.  I don't think
our electic stove gets hot enough for a wok to stir-fry properly, but
it still was good.
The five stars are for the entertainment quality, and the tip, because
everyone is watching  (can't let people hear that you're just letting
coins drop in the offering plate. Are there any two dollar bills
around any more?  Jefferson, Monte Cello, lovely).
Is there really an International Talk Like a Pirate Day"?  There can't
be  - not international, at least -, but I can't imagine you rhymed
your ditty just for me, but expect that you could have whipped it off
that quickly  -  "... GAR, GAR, GAR."
Grand Army of the Republic:  "Gather round the flag boys, gather once
again, and sing the Battle Cry of Freedom."
You can tell that I greatly enjoy your responses, though it is
disappointing when you get the first word in, it is usually the last
serious one.
Keep on elucidating and entertaining!

Thanks and best,

Subject: Re: Why is Pinkfreud's name in answer and comment headings violet instead of blue?
From: xarqi-ga on 04 Mar 2005 03:26 PST
It is because you have clicked on that link at some point, this it is
displayed as a "visited link".  The colour is determined by your
Subject: Re: Why is Pinkfreud's name in answer and comment headings violet instead of blue?
From: politicalguru-ga on 04 Mar 2005 03:40 PST
Exactly. I volunteer to be the guinea pig to prove it. Now I'm blue,
after you'll click me, I won't.
Subject: Re: Why is Pinkfreud's name in answer and comment headings violet instead of blu
From: myoarin-ga on 04 Mar 2005 04:29 PST
And now you ain't, kind of pity, I liked the thought that someone had
given Pinkfreud special treatment.
Anyone who wants to put in the answer gets the pittance - that Xarqi deserves.
Thanks and regards.
Subject: Re: Why is Pinkfreud's name in answer and comment headings violet instead of blu
From: siliconsamurai-ga on 04 Mar 2005 05:02 PST
it would only be fair if pink got it?
Subject: Re: Why is Pinkfreud's name in answer and comment headings violet instead of blu
From: myoarin-ga on 04 Mar 2005 05:23 PST
I quite agree, but unlike some others, she apparently doesn't go
online before breakfast, or is grocery shopping for the weekend so
that she can cook some of that good food she finds recipes for, or
checking the morning talk shows to keep up to date, or has a lock on a
really serious question, or maybe is overseeing another Mensa test ...
I wish I hadn't tested by clicking on politicalguru and left her as
the only purple researcher ...
Subject: Re: Why is Pinkfreud's name in answer and comment headings violet instead of blu
From: synapse666b-ga on 04 Mar 2005 06:44 PST
I suspect that Pinkfreud might enjoy the music of one of our regional
Northwest bands, The Flyodian Slips.
Subject: Re: Why is Pinkfreud's name in answer and comment headings violet instead of blu
From: myoarin-ga on 04 Mar 2005 07:27 PST
Synapse666b,  I bet she would; there doesn't seem to be anything
Pinkfreud doesn't enjoy  - at least have an interest in, to our
elucidation and entertainment.
But even if I could order her tickets, I doubt if she coudl make the
performance tomorrow evening.
I am always surprised at how many websites don't immediately tell in
what city the  store, theater, etc. is.  Had to check the parking to
discover that McDonald's is in Eugene.
And I wonder why so many posters have numbers following the letters in their name.
Maybe 666b is a street address ...
Subject: The Day job?
From: cryptica-ga on 04 Mar 2005 10:46 PST
What I don't get is why on MY computer screen, underneath Pink's
song, is a paid advertisement box (right with her answer) that
Tired of your day job?

And at the top of the screen are all paid ads for "Choosing a Baby Name!"
There's also one for choosing Violet contact lenses, but I figure that one
showed up because the question mentioned "Violet."
Subject: Re: Why is Pinkfreud's name in answer and comment headings violet instead of blue?
From: pinkfreud-ga on 04 Mar 2005 12:13 PST

I'll bet the reason for all those "baby name" ads is the fact that the
words "pink," "blue," and "name" all appear in this thread. The
ad-choosing algorithm saw those words and thought to itself, "By
jingo, somebody is expecting the patter of tiny feet." When, in fact,
the only tiny feet that are heard pattering in my vicinity are those
of my thirteen pussycats and the occasional doomed mouse.

Perhaps I should try to counteract the ad algorithm's misjudgment by
posting words such as "menopause," "Botox," and "AARP." Not sure if
that last one counts as a proper word, though. If you pronounce it,
people think you have indigestion. ;-)

Subject: Re: Why is Pinkfreud's name in answer and comment headings violet instead of blu
From: myoarin-ga on 04 Mar 2005 13:06 PST
And now I see that you were back again while I was dining.  Maybe you
can tell me why all the sponsor links I get are related to LEDs?
Well, two out of five I can understand:  "super-bright".  You, not me.
But still, why LEDs?
Subject: Re: Why is Pinkfreud's name in answer and comment headings violet instead of blue?
From: pinkfreud-ga on 04 Mar 2005 13:10 PST

Thank you muchly for the kind words, the five stars, and the tip!

There is indeed an International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Heck, I'd
never make up something like that. What do you take me for, a satirist
or something? ;-)

Google Web Search: "International Talk Like a Pirate Day"

There's even a website in honor of the Day:

Talk Like a Pirate

I'm not bold enough to do much of this in real life. I am still stuck
on the Bangles' request that I should Walk Like an Egyptian. If I am
doing that, and try to talk like a pirate at the same time, I'm afraid
my brain may explode.

Subject: Re: Why is Pinkfreud's name in answer and comment headings violet instead of blue?
From: xarqi-ga on 04 Mar 2005 13:25 PST
Ummm - is "Prince of the Peanut Gallery" a good thing?
Subject: Re: Why is Pinkfreud's name in answer and comment headings violet instead of blue?
From: pinkfreud-ga on 04 Mar 2005 13:28 PST
Sure. It's good to be the Prince.
Subject: Re: Why is Pinkfreud's name in answer and comment headings violet instead of blue?
From: xarqi-ga on 04 Mar 2005 13:29 PST
To reinstate Pink's state of sole purple gar, first delete your
browser history to make everything blue again, then click on her link.
 I think that should work.
Subject: Re: Why is Pinkfreud's name in answer and comment headings violet instead of blu
From: myoarin-ga on 04 Mar 2005 13:31 PST
OmG!  There really is such a day!  Pink u'd known.  Maybe when I've
captured a Spanish galleon, I'll ask for a calendar of 365 special
days (no Saint's days, I got a book of them) - 366 days, someone with
my kind of disorganization probably has figured that he can get his
act together only once ever four years.
Subject: Re: Why is Pinkfreud's name in answer and comment headings violet instead of blu
From: myoarin-ga on 04 Mar 2005 14:29 PST
I'me  - or we're -  in a time warp.  Postings by Xargi, Pink, and
Xarqi just zapped in (all three advised in one email from the Great
Omni Over Galactic Look Everywhere system) in front of my 13:31 PST
Maybe Ms Pink can't really answer everything within ten minutes but
just knows how to suspend the Gr-Om-Ov-Ga-Lo-Ev clock.
But thanks Xarqi for the tip  - if I can do it.  Being Pinkfreud's
Prince of the Peanut Gallery has class.  The competition is heavy. 
Subject: Re: Why is Pinkfreud's name in answer and comment headings violet instead of blue?
From: pinkfreud-ga on 04 Mar 2005 14:38 PST
Lest anyone should think I am insulting GA's commenters by referring
to "The Peanut Gallery," I'd like to point out that I was a prolific
poster of comments for quite a while before I was chosen as a Google
Answers Researcher. I have not grown far from my peanut roots. I have,
after all, 11075 Comments in my history, and only 1661 Answers. I am
nutty to the core.
Subject: Re: Why is Pinkfreud's name in answer and comment headings violet instead of blu
From: myoarin-ga on 04 Mar 2005 19:14 PST
We're just addicted.  For a while, I thought researchers did this for
the money, but a quick check suggests that that is just a reward,
reinforcement of the addiction.  ! Great idea: sue you know who
(whom?) for supporting an addiction ...
Might work in the States:  impingement of health due to physical
inaction and loss of sleep; distraction from more important
activities, like I'm going to have to swear off and get on with my
translation  - but it is so tempting to open the link, just to see if
there is anything interesting...
Subject: Re: Why is Pinkfreud's name in answer and comment headings violet instead of blue?
From: capitaineformidable-ga on 09 Mar 2005 15:00 PST
"I quite agree, but unlike some others, she apparently doesn't go
online before breakfast, or is grocery shopping for the weekend so
that she can cook some of that good food she finds recipes for, or
checking the morning talk shows to keep up to date, or has a lock on a
really serious question, or maybe is overseeing another Mensa test ...
I wish I hadn't tested by clicking on politicalguru and left her as
the only purple researcher ..."
Many thanks myoarin-ga for clearing something up that's been puzeling
me for some time now. We know that Pink spends 10h a day sleeping and
70h aweek doing her GAR thing and I always wanted to know what she
squandered the other four hours a day on.

I now feel enlightened.

Subject: Re: Why is Pinkfreud's name in answer and comment headings violet instead of blue?
From: pinkfreud-ga on 09 Mar 2005 17:21 PST
>> We know that Pink spends 10h a day sleeping and 70h a 
>> week doing her GAR thing and I always wanted to know 
>> what she squandered the other four hours a day on.

Don't discount the possibility of overlap here. I never said that I
can't do my GAR thing while sleeping. At least one answer has come to
me in my sleep:
Subject: Re: Why is Pinkfreud's name in answer and comment headings violet instead of blue?
From: capitaineformidable-ga on 09 Mar 2005 23:04 PST
What a dexterous lady, your powers never cease to amaze me. 

Subject: Re: Why is Pinkfreud's name in answer and comment headings violet instead of blu
From: myoarin-ga on 10 Mar 2005 05:55 PST
After I got to Pink's answer to the other question, I immediately
recalled the Bible verse:

Psalm 127:2 
"Es ist umsonst, dass ihr früh aufsteht und euch erst spät
niedersetzt, um das Brot der Mühsaal zu essen, denn der Herr gibt es
den Seinen im Schlaf.?

The German translation seems to make better sense than the English:

"It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread
of sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved sleep."
In German, the last phrase translates: "... for the Lord gives it to
those who are His in sleep."

Ms Pink must be one of His  (and if you've been following the shower
question, obviously doesn't have shave to have her genius time.  We
men haven't a chance ...).
And she is probably dexterous even with her left hand.
Subject: Re: Why is Pinkfreud's name in answer and comment headings violet instead of blue?
From: capitaineformidable-ga on 10 Mar 2005 12:00 PST
I would give my right hand to be ambidextrous.

The shower question? It?s not like me to let Pinks pearls of wisdom go
down the plughole. Please post a threadview No.

Subject: Re: Why is Pinkfreud's name in answer and comment headings violet instead of blu
From: myoarin-ga on 11 Mar 2005 06:07 PST
I'm really new at this.  Do we have to vote on letting the Cap'n shower with us?
If he can't find it by himself ...?  It's down the hall, second door
on the right (486369), but bring your own towel.
And if you gave your right hand, you couldn't be dexterous anymore,
and not ambi- anything, just sinister, very suspicious character  - I
respect the deterent power of Sharia justice - none of this
mamsy-pansy "fitting the punishment to the crime."

Way off the subject of purple Pink:  
heard a broadcast today about sharia, you know: four witnesses for
infidelity and stoning.  The Turkish woman pointed out the intrinsic
difficulty of finding four witnesses (and under sharia it takes two
women to count as one man), and that the stoning, she said, didn't
have to be fatal.  She may have had a point, and it occurred to me
that stoning is public act, calling for a lot of "audience
participation", so that even if the adequate number of witnesses could
be found, if the people didn't want to stone her, she might not have
been, and was just driven out of the community with a few bruises. 
The sentence of stoning, as you all know, goes back to Moses and John
7 or 8, where Jesus's comment also indicates that carrying out the
sentence was dependent upon the willingness of the people to do so
(which only occurred to me now).
Interesting point, I thought, maybe for y'all too.
I'm frustrated by GA, seem not to be able post before 6 PST. 
GA-Advisor said it might be from all the spamming, but three days now
about 15 CET I can again. ??)
Subject: Re: Why is Pinkfreud's name in answer and comment headings violet instead of blue?
From: capitaineformidable-ga on 11 Mar 2005 07:38 PST
Hi Myoarin,

Do you know about the Arab guy with all rough stitches round his
wrist? His friend came up to him and said ?I see the Appeal was
successful then!?

I will probably get stoned for that joke. Btw does that mean the judge
and prosecution will take me down to the local watering hole and get
me drunk out of my skull? I think it not.

Just off to take a virtual shower, see you later.

Subject: Re: Why is Pinkfreud's name in answer and comment headings violet instead of blu
From: myoarin-ga on 12 Mar 2005 08:55 PST
Norman,  you will indeed, here:
Stone          Stone            Stone       Stone
        Stone          Stone          Stone        Stone
               Stone            Stone       Stone         Stone

(Salvos by court hangers-on, experienced at this) 

(and now my "process" window has closed again at 10:15 PST.  Maybe the guy 
I'm translating for has clout with GA.)  That was yesterday.
And this is now a day , but I was off-screen. and don't know it with
process now.  ??  Try it ...)
Subject: Re: Why is Pinkfreud's name in answer and comment headings violet instead of blu
From: myoarin-ga on 12 Mar 2005 08:57 PST
"Praise ..., and pass the amunition ..."!  It did!

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