From time to time, we all take a deep breath after breathing normally
for a while. For the past two days, at the very end of the exhalation
from the deep breath, I get a dull, very localized pain, in my right
forearm about 2 in. above my wrist. A few days ago, I lifted a 20 lb.
container of cat litter and handed it to someone at arms length from
me - I did this twice in a row - and it maxed out that arm to the
point of pain. My arm does not otherwise hurt, and is fully
functional, and I do not feel any discomfort in my neck, but when I
extend my right arm and flex the muscle, I feel dull muscle pain in
the muscle in the front of my shoulder and in my right shoulder blade
area. If I take a second deep breath immediately after the one that
caused the dull pain, the pain doesn't happen. I am a 40 year old
female and I am aware that any advice given here is not to replace
actually being seen by a doctor. Any thoughts? Shelley |