Hi, thank you for submitting your question to Google Answers, I hope I
can provide the information you are seeking.
You didn?t specify if this was a corporation, partnership, or sole
proprietorship but in any case the IRS will get pretty upset if you
don?t send W-2 forms and send the money you withheld.
This site tells you how to shut down a business.
This page is especially for closing procedures.
And here is the link to W2 forms
There are various penalties both specified and unspecified for running
afoul of the IRS, such as the informal one of getting your name on the
permanent audit list.
Precisely what penalty you are facing will depend on a lot of factors
so I can?t be specific.
Penalties in general:
Specifically for failure to file W2:
As for Nevada,
will have the information but you didn?t say whether you actually
lived in Nevada, or what kind of business it was (corporation, etc.)
or, if a corporation where it was incorporated. All of those factors
would help determine if there is a penalty under Nevada law but there
probably is.
Google search term: site:irs.gov company out of business
Thank you again for turning to Google Answers for help.
Sorry I don't have better news for you. |