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Q: When is the best time of the day to take a shower? ( No Answer,   13 Comments )
Subject: When is the best time of the day to take a shower?
Category: Health
Asked by: garyking-ga
List Price: $2.00
Posted: 07 Mar 2005 14:28 PST
Expires: 06 Apr 2005 15:28 PDT
Question ID: 486369
When is the best time of the day to take a shower? I normally take it
right before I go to bed, and I'm pretty sure that this isn't good
practice.. (but it's a bit of a habit by now, and I get used to it and
such. Please give me reasons of why not to take it during late at
night and then I will subconsciously remember not to :))
There is no answer at this time.

Subject: Re: When is the best time of the day to take a shower?
From: pinkfreud-ga on 07 Mar 2005 14:37 PST
I don't think there is a "best time of the day to take a shower." 

If you shower at night, your sheets and pillowcases will stay somewhat
cleaner. If you shower in the morning, your clothes will stay somewhat
cleaner, and you may smell better throughout the day, since you'll be
more freshly washed. But the difference is going to be quite small.
It's not as if you'll be collecting layers and layers of filth while
you sleep.

I like to bathe at night; my husband almost always showers in the
morning. I think both of us are right. We are doing what makes us feel
comfortable, and the hygiene aspect is taken care of, one way or the
Subject: Re: When is the best time of the day to take a shower?
From: stressedmum-ga on 07 Mar 2005 15:02 PST
Totally agree with Pinkfreud. It's all to do with personal preference
and what suits your situation.

For many people, it is a matter of fitting it into their schedule or
if their hot water supply is an overnight heating/storage system --
they tend to run out of hot water at night ... brrr!

For what it's worth, I usually shower in the morning, as does my
husband, but if I've had a particularly stressful, busy day or if I'm
overtired and need a good night's sleep, then I shower at night simply
because it relaxes me. If I've got an important meeting or event in
the morning, then I get up early and shower because it wakes me up and
helps me think clearly.

There really is no "world's best practice" for something as personal
as a shower. As long as you don't pong, then how can it be wrong! (In
contrast to this dreadful attempt at rhyme, which stinks!)

Subject: Re: When is the best time of the day to take a shower?
From: just4fun2-ga on 07 Mar 2005 15:37 PST
I vote for "taking a shower".  I find that anytime a person takes a
shower is best for me.  The time of day does not seem to matter.  The
fact that they take a shower seems to be the most important.  So if
you take a shower at night, I say "thank you" but if you're a morning
shower taking person, I also say "THANK YOU"

Keep up the good work.  

When in doubt - don't sprout.
Subject: Re: When is the best time of the day to take a shower?
From: just4fun2-ga on 07 Mar 2005 16:04 PST
There once was a guy named Gary.
Who believed taking a shower was scary!
Shower in the morning or shower at night,
we assure you it will not bite.
Subject: Re: When is the best time of the day to take a shower?
From: steph53-ga on 07 Mar 2005 16:26 PST
Hi Gary,

I agree that the time of day a person takes a shower/bath is a personal choice.

As I have a tight early morning schedule (long commute, etc ), I
always bathe at night during the week. On weekends, it all depends
what/when I'll be going out.

Subject: Re: When is the best time of the day to take a shower?
From: tlspiegel-ga on 07 Mar 2005 16:33 PST
I always shower at night, because it's become a habit.  My father was
a doctor.  I wasn't in the best of health as a kid -  and he felt it
would be healthier for me to shower at night, instead of doing so in
the morning and then going out into the cool morning air.
Subject: Re: When is the best time of the day to take a shower?
From: grthumongous-ga on 07 Mar 2005 16:39 PST
Be a clean freak.  Shower twice a day---at least in the summer.
Subject: Re: When is the best time of the day to take a shower?
From: nelson-ga on 07 Mar 2005 17:28 PST
Morning,  I sweat too much at night.
Subject: Re: When is the best time of the day to take a shower?
From: grthumongous-ga on 07 Mar 2005 18:03 PST
nelson, night sweats are a sign of a potentially serious health
problem.  Consider getting your gerbil checked out.
Subject: Re: When is the best time of the day to take a shower?
From: david1977-ga on 07 Mar 2005 18:05 PST
Between the possabilities of sweating, drooling, noctornal emissions,
someone satying the night. I believe the best time would be to take a
shower in the morning.
Subject: Re: When is the best time of the day to take a shower?
From: justmenu-ga on 07 Mar 2005 18:43 PST
i used to shower in the mornings, and head right to work.  I realise
that I tend to catch colds easier, suffer from aches and body sores
frequently.  A physician then suggested that it may be due to the
early morning showers  followed by exposing my chilled body to the
wind and air-conditioning. When a person awakes and exposes the warm
body to the water, the body can contract "wind" which may result in
body aches. So instead of showering in the mornings, I use a warm
towel to wipe myself. I would shower in the evening when the body has
adjusted to the temperature in my surroundings.  I'm clean before I
head to bed, and prep for the day ahead by refreshing myself with a
nice warm towel. Well, this is my comments anyhow, and for the
believer of acupuncture and chinese medicine.
Subject: Re: When is the best time of the day to take a shower?
From: myoarin-ga on 08 Mar 2005 05:49 PST
This is one of those questions ... ,-)
and Pinkfreud got her word in first, as usual  - nine minutes this time.
(Oh, and thanks Pink- for telling me that Serenata left:  a loss to ga.
 I cancelled the question before I remembered that my comment there
had not been posted.)

Everyone is right.  I shower and shave in the morning or after my
morning tennis, takes seven minutes  - no sybaritic experience - but
tubbing is better for that,
I understand. 
One good reason for men to shower in the morning is that it increases
or prepares for that "genius period" during shaving when men have
brilliant insight into things they have been thinking about  - maybe
in their sleep:  like a new understanding of a GA question or the
answer to it.  (Right, men?)  Could also be recognition of what a fool
one made of oneself the previous day and how to deal with speaking to
that person when one sees them(! him/her).  It takes time - showering
-  to allow such topics to rise from the dark depths of the mind.
(It's your non-PC inference if you nod and think about societies in
which beards are common.)

As long as women didn't shave (legs, armpits), they never had a chance
to experience this "genius period", and  - well -  back then we guys
had the upper hand.  Since they started to, we've had to accept
women's suffrage, higher education for women, and ..., and ..., and
....  Look at whom the best ga-researchers are.  (I may get slapped
for that.)

So, Gary, you are justified in being "pretty sure" that showering in
the morning is better, entirely independent of physical hygiene,
cleaner shirts or sheets.
Subject: Re: When is the best time of the day to take a shower?
From: myoarin-ga on 09 Mar 2005 06:35 PST
How horribly scientific, Artusnasus, but at least it allows me to take
my morning shower and still have strokes of genius  - at least what
count as such for my Pooh-level intellect.

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