Hi gunny!
I found two photos of the Evviva, one each of two different lengths:
Yacht and Crew's Gallery (39 m, or 127.95 feet)
( http://www.yachtandcrew.com/Gallery_files/evviva.htm )
ComNav Marine's Autopilot Systems 'Featured Installations' (49 m,
approx. 161 feet)
( http://www.comnavmarine.com/html/cmnv2800.htm )
And here's some info on the Evviva, for good measure:
From Power & Motoryacht's article by Diane M. Byrne, called America's
200 Largest Yachts:
"55. EVVIVA 160'10" 1993 Evviva has been a familiar sight on
the West Coast for nearly a decade. At her launch she was the largest
all-fiberglass yacht built in the United States and, in fact, one of
the largest in the world. B: Admiral Marine Works; USA; N: Bill
Garden/Donald Starkey; H: Fiberglass; E: 3/2,480-hp MTUs"
( http://powerandmotoryacht.about.com/library/weekly/november01/aa110801e.htm
I hope this is what you're looking for... if I can be of further help,
don't hesitate to post a Request for Clarification.
Thanks for the question!
I searched for:
yacht evviva
( ://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&q=yacht+evviva )
yacht evviva "admiral marine"
( ://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&q=yacht+evviva+%22admiral+marine%22
) |