Hello, I am looking for a high quality recording of crickets, I hope you can help.
It has to be:
1)Obviously on a hot summer's night
2)From an Appalachian oak forest in NJ, NY, NH, PA, or CT
3)It has to be at least 5 minutes long and high quality
4)I have to be able to obtain the recording (buy a CD etc.)
I have looked and seen many nature's sounds CD's or the like that have
crickets from other parts of the world or country, but not the New
England area, and not from an Oak forest. I.E. "nature's relaxing
sounds - Night Sounds" is a long track with crickets, but not what I
am looking for, I have also found many by a pond or lake with frogs
that are not what I am looking for (not from the correct area). |