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bumps on tongue aka lye bumps??????
Category: Health Asked by: groove101-ga List Price: $50.00 |
08 Mar 2005 10:18 PST
Expires: 07 Apr 2005 11:18 PDT Question ID: 486799 |
yes what is a the little bump i am getting on my tongue also known as a lye bump? i get atleast 7 or 8 every week if not two weeks and they sting all day and night!!! what can i do to prevent these they really are bothersom!!! |
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Re: bumps on tongue aka lye bumps??????
Answered By: pinkfreud-ga on 08 Mar 2005 11:53 PST Rated: ![]() |
I have gathered some material for you on the subject of tongue bumps. Please keep in mind that Google Answers is not an authoritative source of medical advice. The excerpts that I've posted below are intended for informational purposes, and should not be viewed as a diagnosis nor as a substitute for the services of a qualified physician or other medical professional. Transient lingual papillitis, commonly known as "lye bumps" or "lie bumps," can be a painful nuisance, but fortunately the bumps are not generally a sign of serious illness. Prevention is not possible, since the exact cause of this condition is unknown; speculation ranges from stress to diet to viral infection. The bumps will go away on their own, but while they are present, symptomatic relief may be obtained by rinsing the mouth with a saline solution or with "Magic Mouthwash," a concoction containing soothing ingredients such as liquid Benadryl, Maalox or Mylanta, and sometimes a local anesthetic such as lidocaine. Another thing that can be quite effective is spritzing the tongue with Chloraseptic throat spray, which numbs the tissue and takes away the burning sensation. I have used all these remedies, and for me the "Magic Mouthwash" worked best. From a messageboard thread discussing bumps on the tongue: "I recently went to the Dr because usually I get one or two of the 'lie bumps' on my tongue, but I got like 4 or 5 at one time and they were driving me crazy. They gave me a mixture of maalox and benedryl. I was shocked but it works to relieve the irritation of those bumps. The maalox just works as a coating to make your tongue feel better but the benedryl elixer helps heal the bumps. Finally some relief. p.s. use equal parts of each." Health and Fitness Forums: Bumps on my tongue http://www.healthandfitnessforums.com/discus/messages/63/70.html?1028169580 "The geographical tongue is different than the 'white buds' or 'lie bumps'; those are just taste buds that have become irritated or somehow need to shed. I have found that rinsing with sea salt (or even just plain warm salt water) helps the irritation and burning sensation. The tongue scraper won't work as there is nothing to scrape and that may even irritate the tongue worse." Health and Fitness Forums: Bumps on my tongue http://www.healthandfitnessforums.com/cgi-bin/discus/board-profile.cgi?action=rate&topic=63&page=70&post=6291 "Eruptive lingual papillitis... resembles an entity termed 'transient lingual papillitis' or commonly 'lie bumps'. The origin of this eruption remains unknown, but the transmission data could suggest a possible infectious origin." PubMed: Eruptive lingual papillitis... (abstract) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=14996101 You may want to ask your pharmacist about "Magic Mouthwash" (also known as "Miracle Mouthwash"). This is not a commercial product, but a formula that is compounded by the pharmacist (or by you yourself, if you choose a formula that includes only over-the-counter ingredients such as Benadryl and Maalox). Some formulations are available only with a doctor's prescription. Several "Magic Mouthwash" formulas are discussed here: Dermatology Online Journal: APHTHOUS STOMATITIS http://dermatology.cdlib.org/rxderm-archives/aphthous_stomatitis Google search strategy: Google Web Search: "lye OR lye bumps" tongue ://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=%22lye+OR+lie+bumps%22+tongue Google Web Search: tongue bump OR bumps ://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=tongue+bump+OR+bumps Google Web Search: papillitis tongue ://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=papillitis+tongue Google Web Search: tongue soreness papillae ://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=tongue+soreness+papillae Google Web Search: "magic OR miracle mouthwash" ://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=%22magic+OR+miracle+mouthwash%22 I hope this is helpful. If anything is unclear or incomplete, or if a link does not function, please request clarification; I'll be glad to offer further assistance before you rate my answer. Best regards, pinkfreud |
rated this answer:![]() well i was hoping for a cure but if there is not one than magic mouthwash it is thanks alot guys for all your helpand for responding so quickly good job keep up the good work!!! |
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Re: bumps on tongue aka lye bumps??????
From: guzzi-ga on 08 Mar 2005 15:54 PST |
I used to get these occasionally so I do sympathise. Found a cure which worked for me though. Not particularly well known, even in Britain, are ?Victory V? sweets. Very nippy, but with practice you can crunch your way through a packet in ten minutes. Accidentally I found they ameliorated the pain so tried actually sucking one on my tongue until dissolved. Stung like hell for ten minutes, but aside from the resultant anaesthetisation, the bumps actually stopped hurting until they finally disappeared after a few days. http://www.sugarboy.co.uk/sweets.asp?sweet=10199 One might find that other ?hot? or astringent products might ?burn? the little blighters into submission. As Ms Pink rightly says, this is not medical authority but as far as I know no one has ever died of lye bumps so perhaps you might like to ?experiment?. Also, I suspect that some of the official remedies include the same ingredients. Best |
Re: bumps on tongue aka lye bumps??????
From: artustnasus-ga on 09 Mar 2005 07:53 PST |
First ask yourself, "Am I having regular healthy bowel movements after each meal?" For most people the answer is No. Fotrunately, or unfortunately, depending upon how you view the symptom, all topical problems indicate more serious potenial health maladies. The mouth is directly associated with the large intestine. When there are oral problems invariably there also are colon imbalances and vice versa. A young child is not fed food until they have teeth. Chewing is the beginning of digestion. If you are not thoroughly chewing your food, abstaining from drinking with your meals (combinations of food and drink causes digestive disturbances)you will then have oral and or colon imbalances. The bumps on the tongue can indicate an overload of toxins in the body that are not being eliminated through the bowels (Do you have any skin blemishes or acne?...another sign. If you indulge in too many acid -forming foods this will also contribute to the malady. Eat a diet of more alakaline-forming foods: vegetables and all fruits except for tomatoes. Citrus fruits, especially the lemon are alkaline forming. Remember not to consume citrus with any other food or an hour prior to or after that other food. Acidity can appear on the tongue as bumps. Let's say you are honestly consuming a diet that is richer in alakaline forming foods over that of acid forming foods. Now ask yourself "Am I negative person? Do I have a negative attitude towards myself and others? Am I a worrier? Am I easily depressed? Do I eat for comfort? Am I easily angered, frustrated or anxious? These are only some physical or mental contributing factors. Again, I emphasize that topical health maladies are an indication of an underlying health imbalance...your body's manner in which to warn you of possible internal health malfunctions. For more detailed information, obtain a copy of "Nutrition For Your Body Mind & Spirit" "Bio Balance", "Foods that Alkalinize and Heal" We also suggest that perhaps see an oriental medical doctor well versed in tongue diagnoses for more specific related assciation. From www.naturallybalancedhealth.com |
Re: bumps on tongue aka lye bumps??????
From: kdh-ga on 07 Apr 2005 06:33 PDT |
I disagree with all of you. I think if any of you went to the doctor and had these bumps tested, you would find that they come from the herpes virus. This is another way it presents itself other than fever blisters. Believe it or not, dabbing some bleach on them with kill them overnight. Been there and done that so to speak. |
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