Hello Dliff,
Between 20 and 25 million PSA tests are conducted annually in the United States.
Sources of Information:
?Prostate cancer is responsible for greater than 240,000 new diagnoses
in North America each year. The current screening standard for
prostate cancer, PSA, is ineffective at reliably distinguishing
between non-life threatening prostate conditions and critical prostate
cancer. In spite of this fact, there are greater than 25 million PSA
tests performed annually in the United States alone, resulting in one
million prostate biopsy procedures.?
Miraculins Inc.
Press Release: December 2004
?Approved by the FDA in 1986, more than 20 million PSA tests are
conducted annually in the United States.?
Bio-IT World Inc: Apr 16, 2004
?An estimated 25 million PSA tests are performed in the United States
annually. Physicians currently refer essentially all of these tests to
third party laboratories with the results normally being available
only after several days.?
Endocare, Inc.
?23,000,000 PSA tests are done annually.?
On-line Guide to Fighting Prostate Cancer.
Search criteria:
"* million PSA tests"
I hope you find this information helpful!
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |