Hi cindie1,
While researching your question, I found this:
"...Suffice to say that every inch, every style, every garment part,
every trim and most every fabric came under strict scrutiny for
redefinition and reduction. Some generalizations will be noted here.
Document L85 and other historical information can be requested from
the US National Archives & Records Administration."
Fabrics: WWII Fashions Never Out of Style
Found on the US National Archives & Records Administration website
http://www.archives.gov/index.html is an inquiry form,
http://www.archives.gov/global_pages/inquire_form.html#part_b that I
used to contact them with your inquiry. Here are the responses I
"This is in reply to your request related to finding a copy of a
document issued during WWII called L-85 that restricted the amount of fabric
that could be used to make clothing.
I checked finding aids for records in the Department of Agriculture and
the General Correspondence Files for 1941-1945, contained in the
Records of the Office of the Secretary of Agriculture (Record Group 16), but
was unable to locate references or documents related to restricting
I am forwarding a copy of your request to our specialist who deals with
records of the Department of Commerce and also to the National Archives
Modern Military unit for a copy of L-85. They will respond directly to
Archivist, Civilian Records
Textual Archives Services Division
"Your message to "Inquire" of March 9 concerning L-85 was referred to
our unit for a reply.
L-85 was one of many orders promulgated by the War Production Board
(Record Group 179) relating to use of raw materials during World War
II. We will mail you a copy of the order.
We hope this information is of asssistance to you in your research."
Archivist, Civilian Records
Textual Archives Services Division
I then emailed them letting them know the document was not for me. Mr.
Lewis then advised that you can email him with your mailing address or
a fax number and he would send you a copy of the order.
The email address is tab.lewis@nara.gov
I hope this is helpful.
Best regards,
Rainbow |