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Corporate book market in the UK
Category: Business and Money Asked by: macaonghus-ga List Price: $100.00 |
08 Mar 2005 23:47 PST
Expires: 08 Apr 2005 00:47 PDT Question ID: 487210 |
I need to estimate the corporate book buying market in the UK. I need the total corporate market value, ideally with the online sales broken out. By this I mean sales of books to corporates entities, eg libraries, universities. I do not mean books about business. I also need market share of the corporate book market for companies such as WH Smith and other specialist library suppliers. Please provide names of those companies |
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Re: Corporate book market in the UK
Answered By: belindalevez-ga on 10 Mar 2005 07:23 PST Rated: ![]() |
<Library Market Public libraries 2002/2003 ? £94 million Table 2d also gives a breakdown of the type of book purchased. Data is also given on the average price per book (page 32) Expenditure on books is also broken down by region. (Source: LISU Annual Library Statistics.) http://www.lboro.ac.uk/departments/dis/lisu/downloads/als04-s2-p9-111.pdf Academic libraries 2002/2003 ? £47.8 million Old universities £27.5 million New universities £15.1 million HE colleges - £5.2 million (Source: LISU Annual Library Statistics.) http://www.lboro.ac.uk/departments/dis/lisu/downloads/als04-s3-p112-143.pdf LISU Annual Library Statistics. Loughborough produces library statistics on an annual basis. The 2003 and 2004 reports can be accessed here. (Source: LISU Annual Library Statistics.) http://www.lboro.ac.uk/departments/dis/lisu/pages/publications/als04.html#download Publishers.org gives the following statistics about the libraries market: 2001/2002 National libraries £13 million Public libraries £91 million University & HE College Libraries £49 million School library service £13 million 2001/2002 National libraries £11 million Public libraries £89 million University & HE College Libraries £48 million School library service £12 million Schools spending 2002/2003 Primary £92.3 million Secondary £110 million School library market 2003 £35.4 million 2002 £40.4 million. 2003 School library market ? breakdown by type of school. Nursery 0.6 million Primary 18.1 million Non-maintained mainstream 2.3 million Special 0.4 million 2002 School library market ? breakdown by type of school. Nursery £0.6 million Primary £21 million Non-maintained mainstream £ 2.5 million Special £0.4 million http://www.publishers.org.uk/paweb/paweb.nsf/0/345d390a4c9abbd180256f10002deafd/$FILE/UK%20Book%20Industry%20%20in%20Statistics%202003.pdf ----------------------------------------- Industry reports UK Book Publishing Market Research Report 2004. Price Euro 880.00 http://www.researchandmarkets.com/reportinfo.asp?report_id=53128 Book Retailing on the Internet Market Report 2004. Key Note Publications Ltd. Price Euro 1,278. According to this report 6% of books sold in the UK are sold online. http://www.researchandmarkets.com/reportinfo.asp?report_id=53065&t=e&cat_id=7 -------------------------------------------------- The Booksellers Association has figures on the UK book market including the annual sales of the major booksellers for 2002/2003 and predictions for 2003/2004. Book sellers market share 2003. Waterstone?s 18% WH Smith 17% Borders 8% Ottakar?s 7% (Source: Publishing News.) http://www.booksellers.org.uk/industry/display_report.asp?id=215 Waterstone?s Books (Part of HMV Group Plc.) 200 stores in the UK with 40 on university campuses. 2004 sales $479.8 million (Source: Hoover?s.com.) http://www.hoovers.com/waterstone's/--ID__134932--/free-co-factsheet.xhtml Waterstone?s annual reports. http://www.hmvgroup.com/investors/annual.jsp WH Smith sells to the retail market. It does not appear to be involved in selling to the corporate sector. http://www.whsmithplc.com/grp/company_2.htm WH Smith annual report 2004. http://www.whsmithplc.com/grp/annualreport2004.pdf -------------------------------------------------------- Specialist library suppliers and market share. The market share figures for the leading companies have been calculated by comparing turnover figures to the total library market in 2004 which is £177.2 million. No figures could be found for turnover for Holt Jackson so the market share has been estimated based on the fact that the company is ranked lower than the Cypher Group and greater than BFS. Figures for the turnover for Holt Jackson probably appear in this article from Bookseller but a subscription fee needs to be paid to view the article. The three largest suppliers for public libraries in the UK are Askews Library Services Limited, Cypher Group Ltd and the Holt Jackson Book Company Limited. (Source: Competition Commission.) Askews Library Services. http://www.askews.co.uk/site/default_askews.asp Askews 2004 turnover - £25.4 million. Market share works out at about 14%. (Source: The Bookseller.com) Cypher Group http://www.cyphergroup.com/ Cypher Group Sales for 2003/4 were £18.9 million. Market share works out at about 11%. (Source: Bertrams.com) http://www.bertrams.com/News/news081104.htm Holt Jackson Market share ? an estimated 10% http://www.holtjackson.co.uk/ This report also lists the following as leading suppliers of library books. Books for Students Ltd Farries and Madeline ? now Madeleine Lindley Ltd (Source: Keynote) Madeleine Lindley Ltd ? Market share estimated at about 8-10%. http://www.madeleinelindley.com/default.aspx Books for Students Ltd http://www.bfs.co.uk/# BFS turnover 1998 - £14.7 million. Market share about 8%. http://www.cranfield.ac.uk/university/press/121999/4.htm This site lists the following library book suppliers: Arts Bibliographic Askews Blackwell?s Book Services Brockhaus/German Books Browns Books Cambridge Medical Books Coutts Library Services Cypher Group Everetts Grant and Cutler Heffers of Cambridge Holt Jackson Kent Book Company Ltd Lambrick Enterprises Lindsay & Howes Narenda Publishing House Oxbow Books Peters Library Service The Bookshop at Queens John Smith & Son Starkmann http://www.bookweb.co.uk/libsupp/ This site lists the following library book suppliers Adrians Medical Books B.H. Blackwell Books Education Collins Library Supply Crofthouse Dawson Books Delta Ltd Everett & Son Ltd Farries International Hickman Marsh Key Books (UK) Library Book Services Library Supply (International) Linsay & Howes London Info (Rowse Muir Ltd) Regent Book Services Smith & Ryan STM Books Starkmann Ltd Swets Blackwall Thomas Slatner Waterstone Corporate & Library Sales. http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/Section/id-103937.html Other companies. Coutts http://www.couttsinfo.com/en/about/aboutus.html Crofthouse http://www.crofthouse.co.uk/ Dawson books http://www.dawsonbooks.co.uk/ ------------------------------------------- Online buying. Keynote estimated that in 2000, the value of academic and professional sales on the internet was £46.5 million and predicts that by 2002 this will rise to 60 million. (Source: Jane Elliot. Bookseller.) Online buying in the higher education market is just getting started. Higher Education E-Procurement (Heep) currently has 16 suppliers on its system but none of these are booksellers. (Source: HEeP.) http://www.heep.ac.uk/default.php?page_id=8 According to the annual report of The London Universities Purchasing Consortium it is intended that a funding proposal to facilitate the adoption of e-procurement will be submitted to the Proc-HE Management Information and Systems Group. An e-tendering system is currently being trialled by some LUPC members. http://www.lupc.procureweb.ac.uk/about/annualreports/LUPC%20Report%20&%20Accounts%202003-04.pdf> ------------------------------------------- <Additional links:> <E4books. The Road to Universal e-commerce for the Book Industry.> <http://www.bic.org.uk/report%20final%20sep%2004.pdf> <Library purchasing consortia.> <> <In the UK there are 7 regional purchasing consortia for Universities. Southern Universities Purchasing Consortium.> <http://supc.procureweb.ac.uk/page1_5.jsp> <London Universities Purchasing Consortium.> <http://www.lupc.procureweb.ac.uk/> <Search strategy:> <libraries "book buying" market uk> <://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=libraries+%22book+buying%22+market+uk> <universities "book buying" market uk> <://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rls=GGLD,GGLD:2004-31,GGLD:en&q=universities+%22book+buying%22+market+uk> <askews turnover> <://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rls=GGLD,GGLD:2004-31,GGLD:en&q=askews+turnover> <Hope this helps.> |
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