Have tried talking to the/a Swiss automobile club ( if you live in Switzerland)?
Then to your own Auto club, they should be experts, or be able to pass
you on to a European club that would know. And it might be worth
becoming a member of a club in the country in which the car is
registered, for the advice and also the emergency benefits, that may
cost a bit extra but are worth it for driving to Aleppo (Get you and
what's left of your car home after a accident, and so on, Worst case
Are you bringing the car back to Switzerland again, or planning to leave it there?
That's importing into Syria, and in most countries that gets sticky
for a layman, especially if Syria had heavy import/customs duties.
You may need a "carnet", which is sort of like a passport for your
If I tried to tell you more, I'd be bluffing.
Maybe you or cleverer folks here can find a good website, but it would
really have to be good before I depended just on that.
Good luck, and drive safely, and don't get caught speeding; in some of
countries along your route, they really like to stop foreign cars.
Good luck |