Internet Scavenger Hunt:
Need info and website where info was found.
Scope: Nevada(state/local)& United States Federal Governmnet.
Suggested Sites: U.S. Census, mini historical in google. I think I have A & E
a. The size of our Federal Government in terms of dollars in 2000 is $_______.
b. The relative dollar importance of our Federal Government to GDP
in the year 2000 is ____________%.
c. The size of our Federal Government in terms of dollars in 1900 is $_______.
d. The relative dollar importance of our Federal Government to GDP
in the year 1990 is ____________%.
e. The three most important federal expenditures for 2000 in
terms of relative size, in rank are: _____________________,
_____________________, and ________________.
f. The three most important federal expenditures for 1990 in
terms of relative size, in rank are: _____________________,
_____________________, and ________________.
g. The size of our State and Local Governments in terms of
dollars in 2000 is $_______.
h. The relative dollar importance of our State and Local
Governments to GDP in the year 2000 is ____________%.
i. The size of our State and Local Governments in 1990 in terms
of dollars is $_______.
j. The relative dollar importance of our State and Local
Governments to GDP in the year 1990 is ____________%.
k. The three most important State and Local Government
expenditures for 2000 in terms of relative size, in rank order are:
___________________, ___________________, and ________________.
l. The three most important State and Local Government
expenditures for 1990 in terms of relative size, in rank are:
_____________________, _____________________, and ________________. |