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Bee's, wasp or hornet's nest
Category: Family and Home Asked by: zam-ga List Price: $3.50 |
02 Aug 2002 12:22 PDT
Expires: 01 Sep 2002 12:22 PDT Question ID: 49022 |
What is the best way to get rid of a large nest? |
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Re: Bee's, wasp or hornet's nest
Answered By: tehuti-ga on 02 Aug 2002 15:01 PDT |
Hello zam-ga, Most of the advice seems to be that you should leave this job to a professional. This is especially the case if the nest belongs to bees. You may well find that a local bee-keeper will be delighted to remove the bees and add them to his stocks. Also, if you think that you might be allergic to the stings of these insects, it would certainly be best to get professional help, because you run the risk of a very serious reaction if you are stung, which could be fatal. I am allergic and over the past couple of years have become increasingly sensitized. Last year, I had just had one wasp sting on my arm, but I needed immediate treatment with intravenous steroids and anti-histamine, followed a by a week on oral steroids, antihistamine and antibiotics! Anyway, if you do want to go ahead, here are some web sites that will help you to prepare for the job: Natural Wasp Control from Eartheasy, with a section on nest removal: http://eartheasy.com/live_natwasp_control.htm NebGuide on Removing Problem Honey Bees from the University of Nebraska: http://www.ianr.unl.edu/pubs/insects/g843.htm An article on wasp removal from See Magazine: http://www.greatwest.ca/SEE/Issues/1998/0806/news2.html Controlling Wasps, Hornets and Yellowjackets from the Univeristy of Kentucky: http://www.uky.edu/Agriculture/Entomology/entfacts/struct/ef620.htm Two factsheets from Cornell with written descriptions of the insects and advice on how to control them and remove their nests. Part 1 Aerial nesting wasps and bees: http://www.cce.cornell.edu/factsheets/pest-fact-sheets/old/ms.pst.stingaer.html Part 2 Subterranean, tree and wall nesting wasps and bees: http://www.cce.cornell.edu/factsheets/pest-fact-sheets/old/ms.pst.stingsub.html and another article on yellowjackets and hornets from West Virginia University http://www.wvu.edu/~exten/infores/pubs/pest/hpm7002.pdf if you haven't got Adobe Reader to view the pdf file, you can download it for free from: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html Here is a picture of a bee: http://www.pnl.gov/nsd/commercial/ rftags/market.html Here are pictures of a yellow jacket wasp and a hornet: http://www.ent.orst.edu/urban/ Yellow%20Jackets.html Search strategy on Google: 1. bee nest removal, 2. hornet nest removal, 3. wasp nest removal plus Google image search for 1. bee, 2. wasp, 3. hornet And I wish you the very best of luck! |
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Re: Bee's, wasp or hornet's nest
From: siliconsamurai-ga on 03 Aug 2002 22:45 PDT |
Here's some information from personal advice, I remove about a dozen wasp nests from my property every year. First and foremost, I agree with everything said in the posted answer but this might prove useful. If it is actually a bee nest and there is even the slightest danger that these are the "killer" bees, then you have a live threatening situation even if you aren't alergic to stings, but I presume you know whether you are in an area where this is a real danger. The following presumes that you do not have a dangerous medical condition and are relatively handy and wish to tackle this problem yourself. In part what you can do depends on the location of the nest, so take this information with a grain of salt and apply common sense liberally. A good can of wasp and hornet spray will reach about 20 feet. Very early in the morning, before they become active, dress well, put on a hat, gloves, and scarf, as well as some sort of eye protection such as a ski mask and goggles, then simply walk up to the nest and spray it heavily, then back away quickly. I have never been stung using this approach. In fact, although I actually have safety gear such as a net head covering, I have never needed it and no longer use it unless I am trying to move a bee hive. If for some reason you must do this in the heat of the day when there is a swarm of insects in the area and you can pull a vehicle close to the nest, simply run a window down just enough to reach your arm out and spray the nest for a few seconds, then pull in your arm and close the window. Now, here's what a neighbor does. He simply sneaks up on giant paper wasp nests, slips a plastic bag over it and carries it off home where he stuffs a gasoline-soaked rag in the hole, waits a few days for the insects to dry out, taps it so they fall out, and hangs it with his collection. I AM NOT SUGGESTING YOU DO THIS, but I've seen it done in the heat of the summer and he wasn't stung - he says the trick is fast, decisive action, but I wouldn't try it myself! |
Re: Bee's, wasp or hornet's nest
From: snakeweasel-ga on 30 Aug 2004 09:03 PDT |
I believe I've discovered a better way to remove a hornets nest. Thought about this for days before attempting it and it worked so well that I just had to tell someone. Here's what I did: My hornets nest was a little larger than a basket ball and was attached to some large bushes about 3 feet above the ground. It was very well attached to dozens of little branches. I waited till late evening for all the hornets to be in bed. Took a large plastic tote approx. 18" tall by 18" wide and 24" long. Put 4" of water in the bottom then alot of soap in the water. The soap is supposed to make the hornets too slippery to climb up the sides so they drown. I slid the tote under the nest and waited for one hour for them to calm down again. I had my wife shine a flashlight on the ground (NOT on the nest) so that I had just enough light to see the entrance/exit hole that was near the bottom. In my hand I had a can of triple expanding polyurethane foam which I had shaken vigourisly and had already tested just before using. I placed the tube of foam just next to the hole and started squirting while continuing in the hole going in about 3 ". I continued to let the foam go in the nest for about 3 seconds. I wouldn'd go much more than that for fear of the foam expanding so much that the nest would rip open. Well you should have heard the buzz but there were no hornets to be seen. I then took my electric hedge trimmers and carefull cut away all the supporting branches. The nest fell into the water and I continued to look for hornets. None to be found. Taking my time now, I sprayed the entire nest with wasp/hornet killer. Not willing to leave well enough alone, I took a broom handle and while continuing to spray, poked a hole in the top of the nest. There they were...must have been hundreds. I emptied the wasp/hornet killer into the top hole, put the lid on top of the tote and put a brick on top of the lid. Within 2 minutes, all the buzzing stopped. I have time so I'm letting the tote sit in the sun for a week before opening it to let any larvae die off then I'll just put the nest into a bag and through it away. The expandable foam worked so well that it was hard to believe but if you've ever gotten that suff on your hands or clothes, you know why. Just had to tell someone. Hope it helps. Dane J. Shearer www.radonfranchise.com |
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