<Number of train commuters.
In 2000, 658,097 people used the railroad to get to work and 1,885,961
used subway or elevated trains. Figure 2. shows means of
transportation by race and Hispanic origin. (Source: US Census
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 2000 Census, means of transport
to work. 0.5% use commuter rail & intercity rail and 1.5% user heavy
rail & light rail.
An estimated 100 million commuters use Amtrak or private rail lines
each year. (Source: Transportation Series No.11 By James B. Reed, Matt
Sundeen and Chris Burnett. June 1999. National Conference of State
In 2000, passengers took 411 million trips on commuter railroads.
(Source: American Public Works Association.)
The MTA Long Island Rail Road is the busiest commuter railroad in
North America carrying an average of 274,000 customers each weekday on
730 trains. (Source: Testimony of James Dermordy. President. Long
Island Railroad.)
Amtrak trains carry 60 million commuters each year.
(Source: American Passenger Rail Coalition.)
Busiest routes.
Metra is the largest commuter railroad. In 2002 morre than 80 million
commuter rode Metra. (Source: Testimony of Phil Pagano, Metra
Executive Director, Senate Comitte on Environment and Public Works,
Chicago IL. April 7, 2003.)
Penn Station is America?s busiest transportation center, serving over
500,000 people daily.
(Source: New York State.)
30th Street Station, Philadelphia is the second busiest station in the
United States wit 2.5 million rail commuters passing through it each
(Source: Cira Centre adds a new look to Philadelphia?s skyline. By
Harris M. Steinberg, AIA. Mid-Atlantic Construction.
February 2005.)
Commuter Rail Transit Report. Third Quarter 2004. This report gives
the number of trips broken down by City. (Source:
A Metro ridership survey found that the typical passenger who uses
NFTA?s bus and rail service is an African American female , age 35 to
49 who rides transit primarily to travel to and from home and work
five dayss a week. The majority of rail passengers were female, 54
percent were women. 79 percent of rail passengers were aged 24 or
under. Most passenger has earnings between $15,000 and $44.999. Ten
percent earned $75,000 or more. (Source: Survey aimed at improving
public transportation. Joe Lannarelli. Buffalo Business First.)>
<Additional links:>
<Commuter Culture Survey 2003.>
<Search strategy:>
<"million rail commuters" us>
<"million railroad commuters" us>
<us railroad "million commuters " ?ca>
<railroads "busiest commuter">
<female "rail passengers " ?uk>
<Hope this helps.> |