I understand Internet has a lot to offer here. However, I tried the
patches and I find them superb. You have patches for cutting out
desire of smoking, for example, or for dieting. I can recommend these
patches where I wouldnīt dare to recommend pills or other kind of new
products if they havenīt been properly verified. For some reason I do
not fear patches and they are ok. Same happens with teas and energetic
remedies as Bach Flowers. If you speak Spanish there is an interesting
site, http://www.aflorarte.com where they deal both with patches and
with energetic remedies. They teach you how to combine the treatments
and most importantly, you come to understand the importance of your
mind, behaviour and attitude when it comes to health, wellbeing, and
beauty. You may want to read further from their site. As to my own
experience, I succeeded in quitting smoking with the help of both the
patches they sell and the ebook on how to benefit from bach Flowers
for this purpose. If you donīt like patches, you may still find the
books quite interesting and complete at
They offer a wide range of books covering different human needs. I
hope you can benefit from this site. I have indeed! good luck |