The Marine Bean outdoor beanbag is made by a New Zealand company
called Coast International.
"Coast International Ltd
Quality Outdoor Furniture and Accessories.
Makers of the Original Outdoor Beanbag.
Free Delivery Nationwide. Order Online
PO Box 46311
Herne Bay Auckland
Call Free 0800 454 545"
New Zealand Yellow Pages,2284,a1229_b1954_i0_l1_v1,00.html?fpQuery=coast%20international
Here's a bit of info on the beanbag:
"Comfortable, durable and stylish, the Marine BeanŽ is the perfect
accessory for yachts and launches of all sizes. With its SunbrellaŽ
marine canvas shell, the Marine Bean is a cosy nest on a breezy
offshore passage, or a luxurious sun-lounger for the foredeck or
The Marine BeanŽ features a polyester lining, allowing you to remove
the shell for cleaning.The Marine BeanŽ is available in a variety of
colours, in each case with contrasting piping."
Coast International: Marine Bean
From the contact page on Coast International's website:
"By Telephone
(Monday to Friday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm. NZ Time = GMT + 12 hours)
+64 9 360 6060
0800 45 45 45
By Fax
+64 9 360 6046
By Email
By Post
Coast International Limited
PO Box 46-311
Herne Bay
New Zealand"
Coast International: Contact
Google search strategy:
Google Web Search: "marine bean" outdoor
I hope this is precisely what you needed to know. If anything is
unclear or incomplete, please request clarification; I'll be glad to
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Best regards,
pinkfreud |