Dear Paul,
The $63.19 cream is available at :
Beauty Creams .com
This is the cheapest I could find that is also available to UK customers.
One option that you may want to consider, given the situation (and
compare what I could find on eBay - for US customers only - Neova
Therapy Creme De La Copper,
is to have it sent to a US address, that would forward it further to
the UK. You can see one example of this service here:
Access USA
However, if you're interested in such a sservice, I recommend that
you'll post another question on the subject, in order to receive a
full research on such services and to find the one that would suit you
the most.
I hope this answers your question. Please contact me if you need any
further clarification on this answer before you rate it. My search
terms (on Froogle have been :
[Neova Creme De La Copper 1.7]
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