This one falls under what I think a lot of doctors will call a grey area.
These hormones are hydrophobic enough to be absorbed through skin, but
the total availability is probably lower than if it was ingested or
taken up through vaginal mucosa. As a result, I would say it would be
hard to alter systemic hormone levels using a standard dosage of
*Premarin(tm)* for the whole face, in an isolated, occasional fashion.
*****HOWEVER, one must be careful as the typical dosage of these
hormones is less than 1 mg per day.
As a result, knowing that most people who believe they can self
medicate go by the addage "If a little is good, a lot must be
better!"--- I would suggest that this could be quite dangerous and you
should consult with a qualified health professional about what amount
of premarin might be safely applied without significantly altering
hormone levels.
drbob is not a real doctor, he sits around eating stale doritos,
unshaven and unshowered. He makes things up for his own amusement to
amaze and astound the experts at google answers. You should always
investigate anything some nutcase like drbob says, as he is often
wrong and spends much of his time in a delusional state. |