? Identify all concepts and roles and define using description logic. Number
each description for ease of reference.
? Identify where each requirement is represented in your DL descriptions.
? Identify which requirements cannot be represented in DL. Explain why.
2. Translate the DL of question 1 into OWL. Identify what each OWL description
corresponds to in the DL descriptions of part 1.
Problem Description:
Grant, a leading provider of out-sourced online retail solutions, wants you to
design and build a reasoning system that determines pricing and
suggests complementary
products to purchase based on what the customer has placed in their
shopping cart. The
following defines the requirements for the reasoning system:
1. A customer has at most one shopping cart that contains one or more products
(including the quantity of each product) that the customer has selected. Your
system must be able to represent any number of shopping carts.
2. Each product has a title, description, and price. Your system must be able to
represent any number of products.
3. Products are classified into one or more categories. Maximum of five.
4. Each product has associated with it zero or more other products designated as
?cross sells.?
5. Each product has associated with it zero or more other products
designated as ?up
6. Each category has zero or more products associated with it designated as
7. If the customer orders 10 or more of a single product, then they received a 15%
discount on that product.
8. If the customer has five or more distinct products in their shopping basket
(products with quantity n>1 should be counted as 1 product), they can receive a
10% ?quantity discount.?
MIE1501S Information Systems I Assignment 2 (2 of 2 pages), Mar. 11, 2005
9. The retailer has the ability to designate any product as being ?on sale?. If so
designated, the retailer also specifies a start date and end date for the product
being ?on sale?. The retailer also specifies a sale price.
10. No discounts, except quantity discounts, can be applied to ?on sale? items.
11. Total price associated with the shopping cart is the price of the products less
applicable discounts.
12. If a product in the shopping cart has a ?cross sell? associated
with it, then it can be
suggested to the customer.
13. If a product in the shopping cart has an ?up sell? associated with
it, then it can be
suggested to the customer.
14. If a product category has a ?promotion? associated with it, then it can be
suggested to the customer.
15. No more than two products in a category can be suggested.
16. At least one ?promotion?, if available, is to be suggested.
17. At least one ?cross sell?, if available, is to be suggested.
18. At least one ?up sell?, if available, is to be suggested.
19. Products in an apparel category have attributes such as size,
colour and material.
20. Products in a grocery category have attributes such as ?best before date? and
weight. |