Hi donphiltrodt:
Thanks for the interesting question.
Here is my list of recent (i.e., no earlier than 2004) reviews/comparisons of
antivirus software. I've sorted them in what I think is the order of
greatest relevance to your original criteria.
TopTenReviews - 2005 Anti-Virus Software Report
URL: http://www.anti-virus-software-review.toptenreviews.com/
"Protecting your data is getting harder every day. With more people
using broadband connections, file sharing utilities, and
sending/receiving email along with virus writers developing more
sophisticated ways to attack, a good anti-virus package is imperative.
This site, Anti-Virus Software Review, is a tool to help you
understand virus issues and to determine which solution gives you the
most protection for your computer system and files."
Note: Puts the product comparison in a single, really nice, easy-to-read table.
CNET Reviews - Antivirus and filtering
URL: http://reviews.cnet.com/4502-3681_7-0.html?tag=srch&qt=&orderby=-7relDte
Note: I've given you the list sorted by release date for the products.
You can change the sorting order if you prefer something else.
PC WORLD - Bigger Threats, Better Defense
URL: http://www.pcworld.com/reviews/article/0,aid,115939,pg,5,00.asp
Note: A thorough, though hard-to-read table. Individual reviews can be
found on previous pages.
All-Internet-Security.com - top 10 antivirus software 2005
URL: http://www.all-internet-security.com/top_10_antivirus_software.html
Note: Reviews themselves are a little sparse.
PC Mag - Security Software
URL: http://www.pcmag.com/category2/0,1738,4796,00.asp
Note: Older reviews are on subsequent pages. Use "next products" link at bottom.
About.com - Top 8 Windows Antivirus for 2004
URL: http://antivirus.about.com/cs/beforeyoubuy/tp/aatpavwin.htm
Quote: "Antivirus software is must-have protection. This review picks
the best antivirus software based on its virus detection abilities,
features, and breadth of protection. Whether you're seeking total
system coverage or an ala carte solution, each of the following
products provides superb virus protection for Windows-based PCs.
Because every system is unique, evaluate several of these antivirus
products to find the software best suited for your PC and your level
of experience."
While several of these reviews rate Norton AntiVirus highly, most of
them don't put it at (or near) the top of their lists of
Search Strategy (on Google):
* "antivirus software" review
* "antivirus software" comparison
* "antivirus software" "top 10"
I hope this helps.
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