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Q: Advanced Medical Technology ( No Answer,   4 Comments )
Subject: Advanced Medical Technology
Category: Health
Asked by: ddanephoto60-ga
List Price: $50.00
Posted: 15 Mar 2005 08:35 PST
Expires: 14 Apr 2005 09:35 PDT
Question ID: 495044
I wish to contact extraterrestrial beings for the purpose of gaining
acces to advanced medical technology.I am in a lot of pain everday. I
have been to several doctors recently. I have had an upper GI, an EGD
two stress tests(I am having chest pains and trouble breathing). I was
at the E.N.T. and had her look up ny nose to see why I am having bad
facial pains, she also ordered a CAT scan for my sinuses. The only
orifice I have not had examined is my rear end. I have had an MRI, and
my famaily doctor ordered an ultrasound because I am having
unexplained abdominal pains. They cannot find any physcical reasons
why I am in pain. The stress test didnt indicate any heart problems. I
feel like passing out everyday anyway.Inthe past have had hemorriods.
I am living on metamucil and caffiene. I wish to be restored to good
health. Sorry about the typing I am a bad typist

Request for Question Clarification by politicalguru-ga on 07 Apr 2005 02:24 PDT
Dear ddanephoto60, 

As you might already know, there is no known contact with
extraterrestrial beings (and no proof whatsoever that these beings,
once contacted, would have any "advanced medical technology". It is
possible that other life-forms would be less developed; or developed
in different manner than we are).

Have you considered alternative medicine as an answer to your medical
problems? Especially, holistic medicine that would deal will with all
aspects of your well-being? It is especially good in cases where there
is general physical ailment of the type you describe.

I could give you some literature and links that would help you get
started, as well as some referrences to such therapists in your region
(if you just told me your zipcode, or city, or area - you don't have
to tell me where you live exactly).
There is no answer at this time.

Subject: Re: Advanced Medical Technology
From: p1212-ga on 15 Mar 2005 11:43 PST
Just a note:

Many times deep emotional issues are the cause of physical pain.  When
you can find no physical cause, this is the place to look.  This is a
clinical fact -- you may even find it in doctor's manuals.  It's
rarely touched upon in a medical setting presumably because of the
personal nature of such issues.

For example, bitterness is often the cause of rheumatoid arthritis,
deep jealousy and envy can cause things like osteoporosis, etc.  Even
cancers can be the result of deep anger, unforgiveness and other
emotional issues.  When you relieve yourself of all grudges and 
deep-seated issues, many of these ailments can literally disappear. 
It's really no joke.

Search for a gentleman by the name of "Henry Wright" -- his office is
1-800-453-5775.  His organization has had incredible success with this.
Subject: Re: Advanced Medical Technology
From: frde-ga on 16 Mar 2005 05:16 PST
<q>Many times deep emotional issues are the cause of physical pain.</q>

Try telling that to someone with Trigeminal Neuralgia or Gout or
Carpal Tunnel syndrome.

- the chances are high that you'll develop 'physical pain', probably
from broken ribs or an adjustment of your reproductive equipment.

Of course the origin would be 'emotional'
If you want to conduct a clinical trial, it can be arranged

The OP would probably be wise to look into a kyropractor to check out
misplaced muscles in/around the spine - they can cause IBS and chest
Also a gentle course in Yoga would have a similar effect, in so far as
it allows things to rearrange themselves naturally.

Also that Metamucil sounds like rubbish, try eating oats if you want
fibre (or even if you don't) - but get the least processed stuff you

Knock the caffiene on the head, it is good for a 'hit' but after a
week, one develops a resistance - it becomes a self devaluing

Save it for emergencies.

Trouble is, that when one thing goes wrong, and stays wrong, the whole
physical system collapses in like a pack of cards.
- at that point a**holes tell you that you are suffering from stress,
which is true, but totally unhelpful.
Subject: Re: Advanced Medical Technology
From: chinesecroupier-ga on 05 Apr 2005 03:52 PDT
I am a medical doctor who did 2 year fMRI neuroimaging research in
pain for my fellwoship, mainly trigeminal neuralgia, and phantom pain.
To my opinion, neurogenic pain is always mixed with subjective feeling
and highly interleaved with cortical cognitive process.
For an extreme case, we had one 42yr old female dental patient, got
her first tooth pulled out 10 years ago for its cause of pain, and now
only 5 teeth left and still coming to clinic for the same complaint.
So, my first suggestion will: Go to a psychiatrist and you will be
saved from hell. :-)
Good luck!
Subject: Re: Advanced Medical Technology
From: frde-ga on 08 Apr 2005 04:00 PDT
Follow this link:

And look down for: Professor Coakham 

Professor Coakham is one of the world's leading experts in a rare
condition known as 'trigeminal neuralgia'.  The pain, which normally
results from the pressure of a blood vessel on a facial nerve, the
trigeminal nerve, can be stopped by an operation to move the vessel
and fix it permanently in a new position.

At 27 Kerrianne is very young to have developed this condition but as
the four-hour operation reveals, there are indeed two blood vessels
pressing on the nerve.  Professor Coakham talks us through the surgery
and two months after her operation, Kerrianne is pain free.

FYI: Prof. Hugh Coakham holds the Chair in Neurosurgery at Bristol
Teaching Hospital UK

You can check his credentials with:

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