Hello sarleo:
I'm so glad the previous information was of such immediate help.
Sometimes, it is just a matter of knowing where to look and how to
ask. :-)
The original answer is repeated below:
The first thing I would do is use
Google's new Google Local tool to loacte replacement glass companies
in your area.
The first search I did was for "replacement glass" and "atlantic city, NJ":
Of those companies listed, the following seem most promising:
All Glass & Mirror Company
(609) 391-1818
1142 Simpson Ave
Ocean City, NJ 08226
Wildwood Glass
(609) 522-2151
2505 New Jersey Ave
Wildwood, NJ 08260
Toms River Glass Co
(732) 349-4662
State Highway 37 NE
Toms River, NJ 08753
I then did a similar search for "greenhouse glass" and "atlantic city, NJ":
The most promising lead there was:
Mainland Plate Glass Co
(609) 641-6553
53 E West Jersey Ave
Pleasantville, NJ 08232
because they actually have a website where they say they sell replacement glass:
Mainland Plate Glass Co : Products & Services
URL: http://www.mainlandplateglass.com/productsservices/
Another possible lead is:
All Glass & Mirror Company
(609) 391-1818
1142 Simpson Ave
Ocean City, NJ 08226
Please let me know whether you've tried any/all of these, and what
else you've done already.
If this information allows you to get what you need, please let me
know in a Clarification, and I can post it as an official answer and
collect the fee.
Search Strategy: use Google Local as detailed above.
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