bottled water sales
Category: Business and Money > Economics Asked by: genabean-ga List Price: $3.50 |
16 Mar 2005 11:19 PST
Expires: 15 Apr 2005 12:19 PDT Question ID: 495662 |
In order of sales, what companies are the top selling companies, including the Coca-Cola bottled water company, which is Dasani, Fuji water, Evian, Crystal Geyser, and basically all the top name brands water companies in order? |
Re: bottled water sales
Answered By: belindalevez-ga on 19 Mar 2005 02:07 PST Rated: |
<Bottled water sales. The U.S. bottled water market wholesale sales in 2003 - $8.3 billion. The Top 10 Bottle Water Brands in the US by wholesale dollar sales amd market share. 1. Aquafina (PepsiCo) $936 million 11.3 % 2. Dasani (Coca-Cola) $834 million 10 % 3. Poland Spring (Nestle Waters) $649 million 7.8% 4. Arrowhead (Nestle Waters) $546 million 6.6% 5. Deer Park (Nestle Waters) $356 million 4.3% 6. Crystal Geyser (CGWC) $335 million 4% 7. Ozarka (Nestle Waters) $236 million 2.8% 8. ZephyrHills (Nestle Waters) $215 million 2.5% 9. Ice Mountain (Nestle Waters) $208 million 1.7% 10. Evian (Coca-Cola/Danone) $145 million 1.7% (Source Beverage Marketing Corporation.) http://www.mind-advertising.com/sectors/sector_softdrinks.htm This report gives a more detailed analysis of the market and compares 2003 to 2002. In 2003, the top three bottled water companies in the U.S. were Nestlé Waters of North America (NWNA), Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola. Together they have 59% of total wholesale dollars. (Source Beverage Marketing Corporation.)> <Search strategy:> <"bottled water" "top selling" dasani aquafina> <://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rls=GGLD,GGLD:2004-31,GGLD:en&q=%22bottled+water%22+%22top+selling%22+dasani+aquafina> <"bottled water" 2004 brands water "top 10" us> <://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&rls=GGLD%2CGGLD%3A2004-31%2CGGLD%3Aen&q=%22bottled+water%22+2004+brands+water+%22top+10%22+us> <Hope this helps.> |
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