The frontispiece of Volume 1 of Charles Lyell's masterwork,
"Principles of Geology," features an image of the Temple of Serapis.
"The frontispiece to Lyell's Principles of Geology showed the Temple
of Serapis in Italy."
Strange Science: Charles Lyell
"In geology it is still called the 'Temple of Serapis,' and is famous
for its role in the nineteenth-century debate between the
catastrophists and uniformitarians... The temple became the secular
icon of uniformitarianism after it was used as the frontispiece of
Charles Lyell's Principles of Geology (1830)."
University of Hawaii: The Temple of Serapis
"To demonstrate that gradual processes could be responsible for great
changes, Lyell used an engraving of the temple at Serapis as his
frontispiece. The temple had, during the course of human history, been
above sea level, then for a long period partially submerged, and again
was above sea level as attested by the dark bands of damage caused by
waterborne life across the columns."
Victiorian Web: Charles Lyell
My Google search strategy:
Google Web Search: "charles lyell" frontispiece
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pinkfreud |