It is estimated that approximately 12 million to 20 million Americans
practice yoga. I've gathered some info from several online sources for
"Today the ancient art is experiencing a renaissance, with an
estimated 12 million Americans now practicing yoga, double the number
of just five years ago."
iVillage: Yoga in Modern Medicine,,6w1h-2,00.html?arrivalSA=1&cobrandRef=0&arrival_freqCap=1&pba=adid=14796732
"An estimated 13.4 million Americans practice yoga or other mind-body
exercises such as tai chi, according to a 2003 survey by the Sporting
Goods Manufacturers Association. Of those, an estimated 1.6 million
were 55 or older."
MSNBC: Chair yoga catching on among seniors
"With nearly 15 million people practicing yoga in the US to the tune
of an estimated $6 billion, yoga is a mainstream presence in America
at the outset of the 21st century."
Unity Woods Newsletter: FALL 2004
"Going to the mat Feb 06, 2005
These days, an estimated 16 million Americans have joined in,
according to a survey published by Yoga Journal. You know it's gone
mainstream when you can buy your yoga equipment at Target, pick up
'Yoga for Dummies' and 'The Complete Idiot's Guide to Yoga With Kids'
at your neighborhood bookstore and catch some yoga moves in the
background on network television's hottest new show. (Sacramento Bee
-- Lifestyle)
Yoga rooms: All the non-rage Jan 28, 2005
A recent Harris Interactive survey for Yoga Journal magazine found
that 16. 5 million people in the USA now practice yoga, and more than
three-quarters of them spend some time doing yoga at home. (USA Today
-- Life)"
SurfWax News: News articles mentioning Yoga Journal
"In recent years, yoga has gained much popularity and become a part of
mainstream culture in the United States with an estimated 18 million
Americans practicing yoga on a weekly basis."
Sri Jagannath Center: The Spiritual Practice of Yoga
"An estimated twenty million Americans practice yoga as a means for
managing stress, promoting health, retarding the aging process and
creating a more meaningful life."
Course Junction: Yoga Teacher Training
Here's a gender breakdown:
"Of those practicing Yoga 77.1% are women and 22.9% are men. 44.7%
have been doing Yoga for more than two years. The study was conducted
by Yoga Journal, a monthly Yoga magazine."
ShoppingBlog: 16.5 Million Americans Practice Yoga
Regarding to the disparity between the sexes, here are the results of
an interesting poll conducted by the Yoga Journal:
"Why are men more reluctant to do yoga than women?
1. Don't think they will get a good
enough workout. 31%
2. Aren't interested in the quiet,
non-competitive aspects of yoga. 25%
3. Fear of embarrassment in class. 34%
4. Are unaware that yoga is an option
for health and healing. 10%
1,477 votes cast."
Yoga Journal: Best Foot Forward
My Google search strategy:
Google Web Search: "million americans" "practice OR practicing yoga"
I hope this information is useful. If anything is unclear or
incomplete, or if a link doesn't work for you, please request
clarification; I'll gladly offer further assistance before you rate my
Best regards,
pinkfreud |