Request for Question Clarification by
17 Mar 2005 08:52 PST
Hi jacobfrito:
I have Outlook 2003 on my system (though I don't actively use it). I
did some looking at the help for this product and found some
information that might be helpful.
Have you tried the "View" -> "Arrange By" -> "Custom" option within
the Contacts? It seems to allow you to choose a "Group By..." (in your
case, Categories), as well as subsequent "Sort..." options (e.g.,
"Sort Items by" = File As, "Then by" = Company).
I think, however, that if you are in the actual list of contacts and
select the field headings, that it will still sort the entire list by
that heading, without preserving your other sortings.
Give it a try and let us know whether it works for you or not.
From the help file:
Create a custom sort
On the View menu, point to Arrange By, point to Current View, and then
click a view (view: Views give you different ways to look at the same
information in a folder by putting it in different arrangements and
formats. There are standard views for each folder. You can also create
custom views.) that shows items in a table (table: A view type that
displays a list of items (rows) and their attributes (columns). Use
this view to display details about items. Table is the default view
type for Inbox and Tasks.), card, or an icon view type (view type: The
basic structure of a view. When you create a view, you must first
select one of five view types (table, timeline, day/week/month, card,
or icon) to determine how information will be arranged and formatted
in your new view.).
On the View menu, point to Arrange By, and then click Custom.
Click Sort.
In the Sort items by box, click a field (field: An element of a table
that contains a specific item of information, such as a last name. A
Title field might contain Mr. or Ms. Databases such as Microsoft SQL
Server refer to fields as columns.) to sort by. If the field you want
isn't in the Sort items by box, click a different field set in the
Select available fields from box.
If the field you sort by is the same as the field that items are
grouped (group: A set of items with one common attribute; for example,
priority or status. Also, to group is to combine items with a common
attribute under a shared heading in a table or on a timeline.) by,
Outlook sorts the group headings instead of the items within each
group. To sort the individual items in a group, click a field in the
Sort items by box that is different from the Group by field you have
Click Ascending or Descending for the sort order.
To sort by an additional field, click a field in the Then by box.