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Category: Relationships and Society > Relationships Asked by: intgrp01-ga List Price: $200.00 |
17 Mar 2005 14:31 PST
Expires: 16 Apr 2005 15:31 PDT Question ID: 496399 |
<This is not my question this is just some info about what happened before so you can get a better idea on how to answer this. ? -Thanks I?m not looking for an answer since I don?t believe in them I?m just looking for advice from as many people as possible and a knowledgeable response from a researcher. I met this wonderful, innocent, beautiful girl that worked at a coffee shop next to the movie theater. I was extremely intoxicated and invited to watch the matrix 2 with my roommate?s dad who was visiting from over seas?. I walked by the shop and had a very awkward feeling towards her I don?t remember what I did or said to her ? remember I was extremely intoxicated and my roommate?s dad wanted to see a movie and borrow my car and I figured I didn?t want him driving around without me ? Three days later she calls me up I didn?t remember I even spoke to her she told me the whole story how stupid and clumsy I was (tripping) around and how I walked over to her store knocked on her door while she was closing the store and asked for a cup of water then talked to her for over 3 hours then handed her my phone number and we talked and talked on the phone for hours then I discovered she had a boyfriend of a year and a half who lived with her at her mothers house and how he?s extremely abusive. After some advice we got off the phone With a big wow on my face I wish to add at the time I was addicted to (Dextromethorphan Hbr) I was completely lost for a full year of my life I guess it was going through a very bad case of self destructiveness and I got to a point where I was doing that to understand my mind better. But anyway that?s a whole different story altogether. So a few days later she got back on the phone and advised that she broke up with her boyfriend and naturally my being a ?GUY? I went right over to her work talked a little then I met the boyfriend I spoke to him like I was trying to get the 2 of them back together? <Just a simple trick I?ve learned to calm down somebody?s boyfriend> Remember at that time I had no intentions to have a long lasting relationship It was just so far from my reality I was so un-trusting to women due to previous experiences lets not go there . So I told her from the start that what happens between her and me is not permanent and will not last more than 2 weeks I think I was just afraid I might fall again but heck?. It took me 6 month?s to actually believe that there is actually something there and I started seeing it the way I should have but during the first 6 month?s I was still dating all my other girlfriends and looking for more ? My reality was badly altered?. During this time I lost and gained girlfriend after another but she was the only one I was afraid to loose was her and only her but at the same time I was doing the only things that would damage a relationship It was almost like me testing for her loyalty and how far she would go to stay with me I was just hurt too much before is why I did that I guess I do know it was wrong but it was hard for me to believe that there was a person that really wanted to be with me through the bad and the good and she did cling on like I was the best thing that has ever happened to her and trust me I know how to get a girl to leave me I?ve done it all my life?. But she really really desperately wanted to be with me?no matter what and she took care of me through everything. I was at a lost point of my life and she got me out of it I gave up on my ways and just decided to settle down I stopped taking my poison and apologized to all the girls I?ve dated they accepted my apology now during this whole time she was extremely jealous and paranoid and EXTREMELY EMOTIONAL I had to baker act her 3 times during that period of the relationship due to her emotional breakdowns but right after she comes back and thanks me. Made me feel like I?ve helped which made me want to hang on to her. After about 8 month?s of this we became pretty close now remember she was close to me since the beginning but I didn?t feel or believe it until the 6 month?s were over ? She moved with me by the end of the 6-month?s I was living with 2 of my closest childhood buddies we all became real close real fast I trusted the 2 of them with my life so I felt no threat whatsoever ? It got to a point where we had to get our own place. We rented an old Mexican house by the beach with a nice sunset and a beautiful jungle type environment surrounding the house It was beautiful. She got to a point where she wanted to go back to school I told her that I did too she got upset that she couldn?t get financial aid and it got worse when she found out that I got 100% paid schooling so I didn?t want to start without her since she started this back to school thing So I waited and waited till she started then she dropped her hours at work which bothered me since then I had to work more to pay for everything? It upset me so I got on a I?M NOT GOING BACK TO SCHOOL BECAUSE OF YOU!? attitude it pretty much bothered me that when I had the chance to go to school instead of her pushing me to do it she was being selfish. So she started going to school and work everyday either way when she started all this she also made us both leave this place and move 20 miles away closer to her school and work since she?s doing both at that point to me it was still the same distance from my work which was either way 1 hour away So technically I did not mind but this is where the bothersome part hits me. We started looking for roommates since both our credit?s bad we couldn?t get our own place and we were looking for something roomier we found a roommate beautiful apartment by a lake 2 bedrooms and he?s about my age does my type of work computers and loves games like I do me and him share a lot we moved in on Jan this year thinking I found a cool friend that shared a lot with me but little did I know that he fell head over heels for my girl?here?s what?s happened so far ?. My girlfriend and roommate seemed to be getting too close, I began to notice this 3 days after we moved in we sat down to watch lord of the rings my girl was laying on my lap and her feet were latterly under his butt? he has a girlfriend of 3 month?s not very attractive and a total B$#%h if you ask me but he seemed like he?d ditch her to hang out with us he?s obviously interested in my girl and she's just letting him sweet talk her. When I'm not around Sunday (work) they go out to the mall and drink shakes and chill etc. They seemed to click ... anyways I started researching a bit and paying close attention to things then I brought everything out to the table in front of the both of them she cried he grinned and denied his alternate intentions I didn?t care its her I care about and how she actually feels about this and why she's letting it slide and hidden from me 11 days after we moved It was my birthday I get home and boom they had a party for me it was just her and him but heck I like parties no cake but heck balloons where everywhere she brought me the presents she bought me a couple of T-shirts one of them being a NINTENDO T-shirt?. I HATE NINTENDO?I was wondering why she bought that shirt then I thought about it and the roommate loves NINTENDO I got upset then we went to the porch when it was time to go to bed I was about to apologize to her and I said ?I want to talk to you about something?, then she said ? Is it ?about?.this??? and she held up her cell phone I looked at her gave her a weird face and grabbed the cell looked through it found 11 text messages from him I was about to look through one of them then she grabbed the cell from me while I was asking her what those were then she deleted all the msg?s ? then we had a big argument about why she deleted the msg?s she said its due to the way I acted about it (She said it was the roommate asking if she wanted him to set up the balloons and stuff since she?s gonna be at work) I agreed I mean she did show them to me but only because she felt guilty about them and I asked such an open ended question. So I spent the whole night trying to get into her cell acct online and turned out that she was right it was him sending the first message but she was lied about it being 11 messages I reverse engineered her into admitting everything after finding 44 txt messages on her phone and told her my friend is a supervisor at T-mobile and he can tell me what those messages said she admitted that he was asking her about my birthday party, how he's decorating since she's at work and it was going to be a surprise then he said "I think I'm falling for you and I am beginning to like you " then she did not reply due to the shock then he said "I AM SOOO SORRY I DIDNT MEAN TO SAY THAT and apologized... then she said "Don?t worry just don?t do it again I will delete this msg and nobody has to know as long as it was never done again..." I got really calm and smiled.... then admitted to her that I knew and didn?t care I just wanted to hear it from her and I want her to be very truthful to me.... He made her feel comfortable by forcing her into a (secret) that she supposedly didn?t want to know and using that to separate us since to her now I'm somebody that cannot be trusted with what she knows and him being a person she shares a secret with.... so now I know about his secret and also just a few days later after I confronted the both of them he left her a note on the door right after I left she will show me it when I get home from work that note said at the end of it "Please DESTROY, BURN after reading" It was basically a letter of apology telling her that he?s sorry this happened he really likes her and what they talked about that it was true how they clicked and shared so much and how he understands why I?m acting like that since he?d do the same thing if he was me?. Then he said since he cant force her to leave me he has to pass off any feelings they shared etc? I held on to the letter and made her lie to him about her giving it to me and to tell him she dumped it ? a week or so pass and I noticed him calling her phone when I reviewed the call records then he denied it I showed him the letter and he laughed I told him that we will be looking for another place if this didn?t stop he said okay. I thought it was over but just recently my jealousy was killing me I was up late hours of the night going through call records trying to prove that she initiated something between them but no luck its all him him him so I do know she?s not initiate anything its him flirting and her allowing it I really don?t mind that I learned to accept the fact that something like that if my girl is that amazingly beautiful and sweet. A few days pass with everything going like it should but I still felt lied to but I did not show that? 2 Sundays ago remember I work on Sundays and the 2 of them don?t we spent the whole day text messaging each other and she was telling me how she?s cleaning the house I was like wow she hasn?t done that for a while (Don?t think I?m a pig we actually share chores I?ve been doing mine and most of hers cleaning the room was hers ?) she said she was doing some of my chores too I was stunned ?. I felt compelled to do something special for her tonight I sent her a message saying ?Please make sure you finish your homework I want to take you somewhere tonight? so we talked and talked all day while she was cleaning and doing her homework then at 3 she stopped talking that?s 3 hours before I come home I messaged and messaged no answers? I got worried then she answered with Sorry sweetie I went to take a shower I said oh okay ? (Weird she doesn?t take showers that soon before I get there But I guess she wants to smell good for me) we talked for a little more then she disappeared again at 4:00. That?s when I really freaked out but then I figured she fell asleep And I let it go 6:00 came still no word from her I called and got no answer Ideas started racing in my head ? (She?s home and the roommate is also off Sunday maybe they went out but they both said they wont go and she promised she wont go out with him on Sunday anymore since it bothered me she agreed and as a matter of fact he agreed too) Half way home 6:30 she called I asked her what?s up guessing she fell asleep or something but she said ?Oh I just came back from playing tennis ? Ummm okay ? With the roommate? Yeah ? But didn?t he only have 1 racket? ? Yeah he bought another so we could play? I got upset? But I ignored it I didn?t want to mess up the sweet plan for the night I had for her So I skipped on getting home soon and went and bought her a hammock, a wine bottle some walnuts and a nutcracker took her to a lake I found on map-quest in the of nowhere when we got there we had a horrible time discussing what happened she told me that he made her go and she forgot the cell at home and she went since she was bored I said okay ? but why take a shower before going to play tennis ? We have 3 doors in our room, our room door, our bathroom door and our shower door. She said that she closed the shower door while showering and heard him shout, ? ?If I didn?t know any better I would have thought you were giving a free show? Then she told me that a few weeks ago when she slept on the couch after a fight we had. She said that half way though the night I usually get up and carry her to bed but I was really tired so I slept in the bed ?. HER :?I woke up from a weird dream I dreamt that he was kissing my face while I was sleeping, then I woke up and saw him walking away I called his name and he came over and said I was checking if your sleeping do you wanna sleep in my bed?? THAT PISSED ME OFF!!! Then she said that through out the day he kept giving her sexual comments? I got home and sent him an email asking him to come see me. He came by and I asked him what happened today .. then I started a feud between them she was getting really upset since he was making her look like she started everything and he got out of it clean And she did too but they kind of seem like they don?t trust each other that?s cool with me I mean she?s doing what she should have done from the start and not give this guy that much trust but whatever ? Were both seeing a relationship counselor But this sure is taking a lot of time to resolve being it a 2 year relationship.. What I am asking is as follows: A professionals point of view on why were so attached to each other, why we cant leave each other and why she doesn?t respect me and why do I care so much now that I am risk loosing her? | |
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Answered By: leapinglizard-ga on 21 Mar 2005 14:47 PST Rated: ![]() |
Dear intgrp01, I am not a therapist, but I am knowledgeable in matters of the heart and I am pleased to offer you my point of view. Your first question is why you and your girlfriend are so attached to each other. Part of the reason is habituation. After sharing your lives for two years, it has become very difficult for each of you to imagine an existence without the other. Despite the difficulties you have experienced, you have learned how to accommodate each other, to sense what the other is feeling, to read gestures and interpret looks. Indeed, it says a great deal for your character -- both yours and hers -- that you have stayed together through such vagaries as you describe. An attraction that endures through misadventures with substance abuse, career changes, domestic displacement, and an interfering third party is a powerful one indeed. As to what is responsible for this attraction, we must look to primal causes as well as the mechanism of codependency. What set off the romance between you two is the simple fact that you appeal to each other aesthetically and physically. What sustained it in the initial stages is the fortuitous meshing of personalities. You interest her and amuse her, and she beguiles you. You can talk to each other for hours on end, which means that your minds function on a similar wavelength. You speak the same language and share the same sense of humor. These factors are necessary but not sufficient for an enduring relationship. Much art and literature has been devoted to the mutual destruction that can result from a passion that knows no limits. I am not saying that this is the case here. On the contrary, I deduce from the evidence that it is not. I am merely pointing out that the forces responsible for establishing and maintaining a torrid romance are also often the ones that lead to its demise. The fundamental reason why your lives are now so intimately entwined is that you have grown to depend on each other. Like a pair of wounded soldiers leaning against each other for support, neither can let go without causing both to collapse. Her virtues compensate for your flaws, and your strengths complement her weaknesses. Where you are analytical, she is sentimental. Where you are judgmental, she is forgiving. Each of you has come to feel that your lives have so far improved in the company of each other that to part now would be a devastating setback. The sense that you cannot function properly without her is an unmistakable sign of the codependent relationship. You next ask why you can't leave each other, and a good part of the answer is evident in the reasons for your mutual attraction. But beyond the sense of despondency that looms when you contemplate a break-up, there is a positive urge to preserve what you have made so far and to build it into something better. The flip side of dissatisfaction is the urge to improve. You feel, by your own admission, that you have bettered your character in the course of this relationship and that you can make further progress in future. You must sense that you have bettered yourself not only by an effort of your own will, but that your betterment has been made possible by the relationship itself. A romantic school of thought says that there is an ideal creature who is destined to make one happy for life. My own experience and my literary studies lead me to believe that this is not true. It seems less likely that one has a single perfect match than that one is presented with a narrow range of attractive choices. Given a sufficiently strong commitment, one can form a permanent and pleasing bond with anyone in this range. I believe, from what you have recounted of your history with your girlfriend, that you have made a strong effort over the past two years, in the face of your regrettable impulses and personal failings, to make a lasting union. Although your insistence on sticking with her may be construed by cynics as a neurotic symptom, as a naked fear of solitude, I see it as an affirmative if somewhat calculating choice. What I hear you saying is that you would rather figure out what is wrong and strive to mend the relationship than abandon it altogether. If you do find this motivation within yourself, I can only encourage it. The dark side of the bargain is that falling in love can form a bond so tight that each party will endure a prolonged low-level conflict -- an emotional guerrilla warfare -- rather than risk the nuclear holocaust of a complete rupture. Even though you deserve ample praise for the improvements you have made in your character, the fact is that you are not the only one who molds your personality. Your girlfriend, by her attentions and words, has altered your being. As part author of your current personality, she has in a very real sense become a part of you, and you have become a part of her. To break apart, then, is to lose not only your girlfriend but to lose part of yourself. You wonder why she doesn't respect you, but your testimony gives me no reason to conclude that she doesn't. In every instance you have mentioned, save the episode of the Nintendo t-shirt, the scheming party was not your girlfriend but the reptilian roommate. As for the Nintendo business, I see exactly why it struck a sour note, but it seems more likely to have arisen from coincidence or from a misunderstanding than to betoken a blatant insult on your girlfriend's part. Everywhere else, your roommate's fingerprints are all over the scene. He is the one who initiated the awkward three's-company birthday party and sent a flurry of text messages to her phone. He burdened her with the ugly secret which, you are quite right to point out, enmeshed her in a conspiracy of silence. He is the one leaving creepy notes, inviting her for tennis at inopportune moments, and making salacious jokes through the bathroom door. There is even the possibility that he made a physical advance on her while she slept, which, apart from being ungentlemanly, would be a criminal act. Everything you have related shows that the agent of subterfuge is the roommate, while your girlfriend is the one revealing it. This chap is putting her in a very difficult position. She knows very well that by informing you of these unpleasant developments, she risks setting you off in jealous fits. By hiding them, on the other hand, she is almost acquiescing in his misdeeds, making it appear as though she had something to hide even if she has been perfectly faithful to you. Although you do not say so explicitly, I infer that you are learning from your girlfriend of the rommate's encroachments in fits and starts. Her hesitation shows what a difficult position she is in and implies that she is pleading with you to solve the problem. This means, in short, putting the roommate out of the picture. Either he must leave the apartment, or you and your girlfriend must depart. I agree that you risk losing her, but not because you care too much. It appears to me that you have cared too little, or at least not acted in a way commensurate with your caring. Sitting up all night digging through your girlfriend's phone records is not a caring act but an obsessive one. The thoughtful and loving thing to do, in my opinion, is to perceive that the roommate is putting your girlfriend in a very difficult position and to concede that you have failed her by not removing her from that position. It is not enough to issue warnings and threats to your roommate. By persisting in his advances, he has shown himself to be a cad, and you really can't expect that to change. Nor should you confuse your personal compatibility with the guy as a mitigating factor. There is a good reason why married couples move away from their parents and roommates. There can be no room in a decent household for a competing suitor. There should be only one alpha male, and that should be you. I realize that you have an economic incentive to share your living quarters with someone else, but I advise you to steer clear of assertive males your own age. It shouldn't be very much trouble to find a roommate who is significantly younger or older than you two, or wrapped up in a relationship of his own, or simply so introverted that he poses no threat. If you are considering female roommates, do yourself a favor and steer clear of girls you find even moderately attractive. The best way to resist temptation is to put it out of reach. It has been an interesting challenge to address this question on your behalf. I do hope you find the strength and personal resources to mend your relationship. Regards, leapinglizard | |
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rated this answer:![]() That was great thank a lot you've done it again! |
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From: leapinglizard-ga on 23 Mar 2005 21:56 PST |
Thank you for the kind words and the handsome tip. leapinglizard |
From: opinion-ga on 24 Mar 2005 18:35 PST |
On the Communication Question: Listen! There's a World Waiting to be Heard: the Empowerment of Listening, by Carol McCall is quite good. (http://all-garden-books.com/0533131154.html) Also, you may find The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz helpful. (http://www.miguelruiz.com/agreements.html) (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1878424319/104-0397054-0578314) Additionally, there are several college textbooks on communication, consider: Communication Mosaics by Julia Wood A word of caution, esp. when interpreting non-verbal communication: No gesture or expression means exactly the same thing for everyone. Even our most explicit language is ambiguous and open for multiple interpretations. (That is, after all, what legal disputes are...differences in interpretation.) The best strategy to combat this is to state how you are interpreting said gesture or expression and confirm that you are receiving the intended message. On the Main Question: I believe that leapinglizard's response is dead on. I wish only to emphasize: That I would seriously question your third query. To ask: "why doesn't she respect me?" insinuates that she does not respect you?which may not be the case. You may feel disrespected by some of her behaviors, but this does not necessarily mean that she doesn't respect you. This is a conversation you may want to have with her, but you may want to phrase it in the form of "I feel ____ when you do ____." This should create a more effective conversation for you. |
From: cjmale-ga on 15 Jun 2005 12:17 PDT |
Great answer! That took a lot of thought. |
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