Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) is a cancer treatment which is highly
successful, and yet relatively unknown. In its short history, RFA has
saved many lives. RFA is a medical procedure in which a special needle
is inserted into a tumor. Once the needle is in place, RFA energy is
sent through the needle and tines, destroying the tumor.
Since the patient's body is only penetrated with this special needle,
RFA is minimally invasive.
After this long introduction, here is my question:
I need the names, phone numbers, and hospital affiliaton of at least
twelve (12) physicians in the South Florida area (Miami, Hollywood,
Ft. Lauderdale) who specialize in RFA. In other words: Who are the
pioneers of RFA in South Florida? Any names related to the topic
?Kidney Cancer and RFA" would be particularly helpful.
The ten physicians should NOT all have hospital privileges at the
same hospital. At a minimum, I need physicians from FIVE (5) different
Any researcher who wants to accept the challenge? |