I have a free web-based counseling site at http://www.bobthebartender.org/
I would like to organize this website under the name of non-profit
corporation that I myself would direct (in California). I know I have
to obtain a 501-3c incorporation status, and then apply for tax-exempt
status from the IRS, but I am looking for a high quality company that
will help me do this at the best price. The parameters of my endeavor
are extremely simple, so I don't need all the frills that many
companies out there are offering at high prices. I just need to get
it done, and get a little education about the implications. I would
like at least (3) links to companies that are relatively inexpensive
for what they are offering. They should offer good customer service
(ie. 800 numbers, money back garantee of some sort, extensive
history), and be cheap. I don't want to pay more than $200-300 bucks,
and would be willing to consider much cheaper ones, with a convincing
argument. I think that anyone charging more than that is marketing to
someone with a grander vision than I have at the moment, and will
inevitably give me something I don't need. Feel free to correct me
with your research if you feel I'm in error. The only point here is
to get the most bang for my buck. As an alternative, I would be
willing to accept a website or two that basically compares/contrasts
various companies based on the criteria mentioned above, so I could
see for myself.
Thank you,
Chris |