Hi, thank you for submitting your question to Google Answers, I hope I
can provide the information you are seeking.
I?ve had similar problems with Ameritrade and I?m a day trader.
Have you tried firefox as a browser? It is a free download and I find
it works better with Ameritrade but Internet Explorer 6 is now working
OK with their site so that isn't the real problem.
Have you tried going to the new site and trying the ?Ameritrade
Command Center?? It puts all the old tools in one window and works
just GREAT.
Skip the old ?Streamer Suite? and ?Quick Lunch? links, apparently the
help center is about 60 days behind the actual Web site which is
working OK.
Have you tried and completely given up on their ?support?? Me too,
they are absolute idiots! Calling them ?morons? would be an insult to
those people who simply have low IQ?s. It took me four tries to even
get them to address the basic question I had asked them and even then
they would only say they didn?t know. I was asking when the old site
would finally be disabled. I wanted to know so I knew when I had to
transfer my accounts elsewhere but, since then, I found that the
?command center? worked just fine.
Good luck, I was about to take my business elsewhere when I discovered
that the command center with all those great information windows AND
both a Rapid Entry and a Standard Entry order window in the upper left
corner was now working properly ? unlike the supposed buy/sell links
from the older streamer suite.
I can?t fathom why they are failing to properly explain this, but the
actual tools are very good.
If this doesn't work there is something wrong with your computer or
software, please post an RFQ with details about the OS version and
Browser you are using.
I currently have streaming quotes as well as Level II Nasdaq quotes, no problem.
Details of your OS and Browser versions ARE important.
Thank you again for turning to Google Answers for your research needs. |