I am looking for the title of a film I saw as a child on British TV
between 1984 and 1987.
This is therefore a British or American movie probably from the late
70s - early 80s.
The movie tells the story of some sort of digging/construction in the
subway, where aliens/monsters are found. Sounds like the beginning of Reign of
Fire movie, but this is a much older movie. People die, there's a a
big fire of some sort.
Sorry, that's all I remember. I was very young at the time. I just
know that movie scared me at the time.
I'm looking for the title of the movie.
Thank you. |
Request for Question Clarification by
21 Mar 2005 23:53 PST
Hi errance,
Does this sound like the movie you are looking for?
"Workers excavating at an underground station in London uncover the
skeletal remains of ancient apes with large skulls. Further digging
reveals what is at first believed to be an unexploded German bomb from
World War II. Missile expert Colonel Breen is brought in to
investigate, accompanied by Professor Bernard Quartermass. When the
interior of the "missile" is exposed, a dead locust-like creature that
resembles the devil is found. It is determined by Quartermass that
these "locusts" are evil Martians who altered the brains of our simian
ancestors to eventually lay claim to the Earth. When Quartermass's
suspicion that the missile can reactivate the dormant evil in humans
is confirmed, all hell breaks loose."
Waiting to hear your views.
Best regards,
Clarification of Question by
22 Mar 2005 06:47 PST
Hi Rainbow,
I think that's it!!! That definitely sounds right.
Does the date of this movie you describe match? Could it have aired on
TV between 1984 and 1987?
If yes, this must be it. Title please!!! :)
Clarification of Question by
22 Mar 2005 06:53 PST
I googled for that description you posted and found "Quatermass and
the Pit". This must be my movie.
You win this one. Thank you very much!
I believe you need to post an Answer for me to award you this question
(so you get paid).
By the way, would you mind telling me how you found the answer?
Thank you.