Hello I am in the State of Missouri in the US and I work full time. I
am trying to find an accredited school in the US where I can finish
geting either my Electrical Enginering or Software Engineering
Bachelor degree Online.
School must be able to accept a Minimum GPA of 2.0 My Status is I am
JR with somewhere arround 16 classes that I know of I need to finish.
Please list all the schools and online programs. If possible list in
order of best / most respected to worst, and or from least to most
I would prefer if it were an accreditdated accelerated ciriculum that
I finish in less than 2 years. Also If you know of any websites I
could look at to compare your findings. Thank you. |
Clarification of Question by
29 Mar 2005 07:11 PST
Any Researchers that can help or comments Ill take them all. Thanks for your help.
Request for Question Clarification by
29 Mar 2005 07:15 PST
If I may offer a comment, you have asked for a lot of things here:
---school "must be able to accept..."
--"list all schools..."
--"list in order..."
--"finish in less than 2 years..."
--"websites I could look at..."
A researcher cannot reasonably explore do all this for a $15 fee. You
may want to clarify your question. Ask us to list the available
programs, so that you can do subsequent research on how well they meet
your needs.
Just a suggestion...
Clarification of Question by
30 Mar 2005 04:24 PST
Thank you pafalafa-ga for your comments. Id gladly raise my price for
all the info if that will help. I know the Goolge reasearchers are a
busy bunch. But yes your are right I am asking a lot for the price.
Would it help if I doubled it?
If not I will settle for a listing of all the available distance
learning / online accreditated Software and Eletrical Engineering
programs. Also would like to know if the program is ABET accreditated
or not. Also I happily throw in a tip if I am provided with a few
websites that show how / where to find engineerig distance learning /
online engineering schools.
Just so you know Im really interested in legitimate schools and none
of these fly by night schools. Thanks again for your sugesstion.
Clarification of Question by
13 Apr 2005 12:21 PDT
Wow I thought this was an easy question for a researcher but I guess
nobody can answer these types of questions. I noticed quite a few
other recent posts with similar questions that have no answers as
well. I guess I dont understand how they CAN answer questions like
"Whats the meaning of life", but not this one????
Are there no google researchers handle this question????
Gosh at this point im desparate!!!
Request for Question Clarification by
13 Apr 2005 12:32 PDT
I can't speak for all the researchers here, but I can offer you my own
thoughts. My earlier comment noted that I thought you were asking for
an awful lot in a single question. Your response was to add even more
criteria to your original question!
At that point, I must say, I lost interest. I'm not trying to be
mean, but I just want you to understand how your question looks from
at least one researcher's point of view.
All the best,
Clarification of Question by
14 Apr 2005 10:05 PDT
Thanks guys really do appreciate your comments but I was just
frustrated that no would or could answer this as it is very important
to me, and when I see some of the not so serious (very silly)
questions that are answered I must admit being a professional myself
it could leave a person a little awe struck that a researcher would
take such time on such questions at very low prices. But I guess
theres something for everyone here. Ohh well.
As I mentioned in my earlier comment I am willing to pay more since
this is important to me.
Ive done a lot of research on this myself so my reasoning for asking
for a lot of info is that I don?t want someone to find the exact same
schools thing that I have already found.
Im sure there will be some schools that are the same and thats ok, but
I was just hoping to get some info that I had not already located.
Soo here is my attempt to streamline this question. I hope this is better.
Please list the accreditdated schools that have (please list websites
also if possible) distance / online Electrical Engineering and or a
Software Engineering programs I could do online.
Thanks for all your assistance!
Request for Question Clarification by
14 Apr 2005 10:32 PDT
Hi all4fun,
Please take a look at these directories of online universities that
offer degrees in electrical and software engineering. If this is the
type of information you are looking for, I can provide the urls for
the universities listed as an answer to your question.
Waiting to hear your views.
Best regards,