I am looking for statements in support of tobacco advertising, i.e.
the right to advertise for tobacco related products.
These statements would need to be by government officials, political figures, etc.
I am not looking for statements that attempt to deny that tobacco does
any harm to people, we are not trying to prove the health
risks/benefits of smoking, only that it is a right for tobaccoo
companies to be able to advertise because of the first amendment.
I would like any statements that the FDA has made in favor of letting
tobacco companies advertise, and any statements by congressman or
President Bush (etc etc) would be greatly appreciated.
I would like at least 5 or 6 different, substantial links to this topic.
Please try and find something with a deeper meaning than the first
amendment, as it is a very easy argument to fall back on, and we would
like to have a little more depth to our argument. |