Most reference sources say that the word "transgender" dates back to
the 1970s. The term was popularized by Charles "Virginia" Prince, the
publisher of a magazine called "Transvestia."
"Originally, the term transgender was coined in the 1970s by Virginia
Prince in the USA, as a contrast with the term 'transsexual,' to refer
to someone who does not desire surgical intervention to 'change sex,'
and/or who considers that they fall 'between' genders, not identifying
strictly to one gender or the other, identifying themselves as neither
fully male, nor female."
Answers: Transgender
"The word 'transgender' was, in fact, coined by married heterosexual
cross-dresser Charles (Virginia) Prince in the United States of
America to distinguish a transgender person, who had no compelling
need or desire to permanently and significantly change or alter their
body but who wished to live out a gender expression contrary to their
sex, from a person who experienced transsexualism."
FTMA Network: Transsexualism in Family Law
"The term 'transgender' was coined back in the early 1970s to cover
those 'apparent' transsexuals who suffered little or no discomfort and
did not request surgery to correct their gender conflict. Therefore,
they were not "transsexual" according to diagnostic guidelines. Over
the past decade, some people in the 'trans' community have widened the
meaning of transgender to include anyone with a gender variance from
the so-called norm."
Affirm United: CONSENSUS
"The term transgender was popularized by Virginia Prince in the 1970s
to describe people like herself who prefer to live as the opposite
gender without undergoing surgery. Typically the only thing the
transgenderist wants to change are features of their gender, not their
sex. However, the term has become popular particularly to describe
individuals that manifest social and behavioral characteristics and
preferences typically associated with both males and females and has
become more inclusive."
Transgender Zone: A Conversation with Dr. Milton Diamond
"Virginia Prince should probably be credited as having introduced the
term 'transgender.' Because she needed a term to describe her decision
to become a woman without changing her genitals (what she would call
her 'sex,') the term 'transsexual' would not do. C.F. Prince,
Virginia. 1979. 'Charles to Virginia: Sex Research as a Personal
Experience.' In The Frontiers of Sex Research. ed. Vern Bullough,
167-175. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books."
International Journal of Transgenderism: What is Transgender?
Google search strategy:
Google Web Search: "the word OR term transgender was"
I hope this is helpful. If anything is unclear or incomplete, or if a
link doesn't work for you, please request clarification; I'll gladly
offer further assistance before you rate my answer.
Best regards,
pinkfreud |