Clarification of Question by
04 Apr 2005 14:11 PDT
Ok, Thanks webadept-ga for clearing up how I can make the most use of GA.
I have the beginnings of an internal site for my company. It will be
for my staff, and clients. I want to use phpGACL for my user class
since it's very powerful, and right now it will be overkill, but
planning for the future, it will just right.
I currently have my internal site password protected via .htaccess
We call the internal site "The Pipeline" The main page is protected,
and then there are links within the main site that I need to control
access via user groups, or roles. As I have said I am new at PHP, so
I know what I want in my mind, but might not be asking for the right
thing. :)
I have phpGACL set up on my server, and can access it, and create and
define the different groups, users, roles etc. but I don't know how
to use this program. There aren't any real examples to go by, and I
learn better my seeing the inside, and how it works.
Currently, I have a need for this:
1. Show me how to use phpGACL to protect my main site, and get rid of .htaccess
2. Show me how to use the roles/groups to protect certain links from
within the site to only allow access to certain people. ie. Admin
access=everything, manager access=everything except settings, sales
access=sales links, etc. I would hope this example, would be easy for
me to add new links, and protect them according in the future.
In thinking about this and the solution for me, please consider the
following. I run several programs, and will in the future, or now if
you think it best to start there, would like, when you log into "The
Pipeline" and you click on a link to one of these programs, SugarCRM,
and dotProject, you will be logged into these automatically. I
believe dotProject already uses phpGACL so that might not be a
problem, SugarCRM does not use phpGACL so I am not sure how this would
work. My experience, or lack there of fails me here.
Please let me know if you need anything else.