Clarification of Question by
04 Apr 2005 10:06 PDT
hey answerguru,
as a point of clarification, there is no single formula that i'm
looking for. i want a photographer to be able to give me some target
prices that he wants to be paid for a photo, and then be able to
interpolate the pricing in between those points. in the simple
2-dimensional case (e.g. price and size), i would ask him for how much
he'd like to be paid for a 1/4 page ad and a 2-page ad. he says "$300"
and "$2400". in this simple linear case, if some one asked him how
much he wants for a 1-page ad, the answer would be $1200. but if the
photographer provided a third data point (e.g. 1/2 page ad for 800),
then the solution is now a curve.
if we factor in a third dimension, circulation, then we potentially
have two curves, and i think (i have poor math skills) i'm looking for
an equation that describes a curved surface.
the problem is that i'd like to be able to ask any photographer "what
do you want to be paid for this photo" and come up with an equation
for that individual.
other factors might include: duration (for example, a 1/4 page ad in a
weekly magazine with a circulation of 10,000). in my analysis of
pricing, there is a discount placed when you run an ad for a long
period of time. 4 weeks isn't just 4*1 week rate.
in trying to determine the algorithm, i want to ask the photographer
the minimum subset of information needed to interpolate all points of
pricing. if end points are necessary, then i could ask that.
some photographers might provide data points that yield a linear
solution. some might provide data points that yield a non-linear
solution, and some photographers might provide data points that yield
no solution. i'm looking to try to bring a logical solution to the
issue of pricing, so that there is a mathematical solution.
don't know if i clarified or obfuscated the issue. ask more questions
if you need follow-up.