Hi I have a access DB with 4 Tables.
Table tblproduct
ProductID - pk
Table tblBookingStock
BookingStockId - pk
ProductID (Related to Tbl product productID)
BookindID (Related to Tbl booking bookingID)
StoreID (Related to Tbl store storeID)
Table tblBooking
BookingID ? pk
Table tblStore
I have created a from with text box?s with the relevant look up etc,
which the user enters all the information for the booking. And then
selects a update button which I want the information in the text box?s
to be inserted into the bookingStock table.
On the form the user selects the information from the cmbo boxes and
then the selects the update button with the following code behind it.
'Set the booking ID
Dim BookingID As Integer
BookingID = Me.Unq_Booking_ID
'Set the product
Dim ProductID As Integer
ProductID = Me.CmbProductID
'set the store
Dim Store As Integer
Store = Me.CmboStore
'Inserts the updated details into the booking stock table, the table
that tracks transactions
sqlString = "insert into TblbookingStock (bookingid, productid,
Storeid) Values ( " & BookingID & "," & ProductID & "," & Store & ")"
DoCmd.RunSQL (sqlString)
But I get the following error msg.
Cant append all the records in the append query.
Set 0 fields(s) to null due to a type conversion failure, and it
didn?t add 1 record(s) to the table due to key violations, 0 record(s)
due to lock violations(s) due to validation rule violations.
So my question is how do I correct this error I need to insert from
text box?s to the table bookingstock? |
Request for Question Clarification by
06 Apr 2005 05:41 PDT
Let's check the validity of the Insert statement you are assembling.
After the line:
sqlString = "insert into TblbookingStock (bookingid, productid,
Storeid) Values ( " & BookingID & "," & ProductID & "," & Store & ")"
... Place the following line of code:
MsgBox sqlString
...and comment out:
DoCmd.RunSQL (sqlString)
...so the insert does not actually try to run.
This will cause the sql statement you are running to appear in a
message box. Look at it carefully and see if it contains the correct
values. The type conversion message makes me suspicious. Your combo
boxes may not be providing the values you think they are. Also, you
are using Integers for your variable types. Normally, a foriegn key in
a table is of type Long.
Is it possible for you to upload your mdb to someplace where we could
download it and take a look at it?
- Hammer
BTW, if you know how, you can also use
Debug.Print sqlString
Clarification of Question by
07 Apr 2005 04:57 PDT
I ran msgbox (sql string) and it returned the correct values in the
msgbox. if i remove the relationships is runs no problem. I have tried
changing the names (as recommended by the last comment) and this made
no difference. Reading into it there is no reason it cant work because
i put the numbers in manually it also works?
Unfortunately I don?t have anywhere I can upload it too
Request for Question Clarification by
07 Apr 2005 05:29 PDT
<<Reading into it there is no reason it cant work because i put the
numbers in manually it also works?>>
That's why it sounds to me like a subtle syntax error of some kind.
Can you please post *exactly* what appears in the message box when you
show sqlString?
- Hammer
Clarification of Question by
07 Apr 2005 05:45 PDT
Microsoft Access
Insert into Tbl_booking_Stock (unq_booking_id, unq_product_id,
unq_store_id) Values ( 1002,804,3)
The Names are slightly different from moy original posting to make it
simpler to read. They are correct i have double checked thanks
Request for Question Clarification by
07 Apr 2005 06:30 PDT
I built a database based on your structure. Your INSERT works fine
unless I try to insert a record that actually does cause a key
Have you checked to make sure that you:
1. Have a Booking record with id 1002
2. Have a Product record with id 804
3. Have a Store record with id 3
If all your values are indeed valid, let me know. I'll upload the
working sample I built and we can look for where my mdb differs from
- Hammer
Clarification of Question by
07 Apr 2005 08:06 PDT
Thats was it. spot on, The Booking record was created but it couldnt
be inserted because it wasn't saved yet. Simple, Thanks for your help
Clarification of Question by
07 Apr 2005 08:11 PDT
How do I accept as a answer to close the question?