Here's an odd one- looking to buy some old (1930-1970) home movie
footage of kids or adults compteting in a pie eating contest- or any
kind of fun food eating contest. But this CANNOT be from a stock
footage library. |
Request for Question Clarification by
08 Apr 2005 19:01 PDT
dx313 --
This is an odd request, all right. I will look around, but your
specific requirements may make it pretty tough to fulfill.
My first look came up with a family's website which includes recent
home video of a pie eating contest. Access to the video is restricted
to those with passwords, but the site does provide e-mail contact
information, so you could ask about their willingness to license
rights to the video.
There is also a 1980s movie featuring a pie-eating contest.
However, both of the above suggestions are clearly outside the scope
of your request.
I guess what I need to know if whether your specific requirements
(home video, 1930-1970) are inflexible and, if not, how flexible are
Clarification of Question by
08 Apr 2005 21:19 PDT
Hi Mark,
Gotta fit that time slot (1930's-1970's) needs to be old and original-
actual home movie footage, that I can purchase. Warned you it was a
tough one!
Request for Question Clarification by
09 Apr 2005 12:50 PDT
Does the footage and/or scenes need to be of certain minimum lengths?
I have bought a fair amount of vintage home movies (8mm and super 8mm)
via ebay and other sources. I haven't usually sought out specific
themes, but I do try to log all the footage I get. Oftentimes the
best shots/scenes last for just seconds since the director (usually
Dad) is trying to conserve film.
Clarification of Question by
09 Apr 2005 15:37 PDT
the footage source can be 8mm,super8mm,16mm. it would be great to have
a solid 10 seconds- but i'll use less if i have to.