I would like to find a way to 'hack' together a poor-man's, contiguous
namespace (ex: MS DFS) for DOS v6.22, 98SE LANMan SMB clients.
The problem with MS DFS is that it does not support DOS clients
(surpisingly), or only allows you to view SMB shares on that machine.
I believe a 'hacked' solution may be possible by leveraging NFS server
+ client for Windows (via Windows Services for UNIX) and adding NFS
server exports to a the Windows NFS server. The big question is does
the NFS service operate at a lower layer than the SMB server service.
If so, is it possible to setup a single SMB share in W2K that
effectively emulates a MS DFS share with multiple transparent,
'symbolic links' (not shortcuts) to other servers?
I've downloaded Windows Services for UNIX but haven't had the time to
try it out yet. The research for this should be relatively easy (it
should either work or not work). I do not expect it to take more than
an hour.
- If it works, I will accept an estimate of the setup/configuration
time involved and the configuration steps required.
- If it doesn't work, I will accept an alternative solution if it
meets the criteria in the subject and requires minimal setup time (no
kernel recompiling, script re-configurations, etc.) Note, alternative
solutions should try to leverage Windows (VS Linux (+ Samba 3 | (+ ???
[+...]))) and have ideally 0-cost.
This is a litmus test of the emergency broadcast sy... er... google
answers system :) |