Hi researchers..Iv'e been at a crossroads for over a year now, but
still can't get a grip on what to do. I'm 36 yrs. old....and have
lived as a "free-spirit" of sorts: Living on the fringes, "off the
grid"...Focusing on the arts,travelling the world,taking odd jobs,
starting my own businesses...and, always living hand-to-mouth.I have
picked up many skills along the way- kind of a jack of all trades, but
a master of none. I am feeling tired with this lifestyle, unsatiated,
longing for something more- a more stable lifestyle, with a consistant
source of income doing something that I love and feel passionate
about. But when I job search in areas that interest me, I always see
the years of experience, or college degrees that employers are looking
for which I do not have. I am feeling very stuck, and quite lost as to
where to go from here. I have traveled all over the world, doing
expeditions into remote areas where certain indiginous tribes still
manage to have a tenuous hold on thier traditional ways of life. I
recognize that I have an intense passion for these few pockets of
tribal, anamistic cultures that are barely holding on... I also have
an innate talent for communicating with them, and understanding thier
needs. What I really want is to find, and enter into a line of work
relevant to this...Perhaps a field researcher or project monitor for a
NGO or non-profit organization dedicated to cultural survival?( NOT
OFFICE WORK!) Or working with enviornmental organizations whose goals
are to preserve indiginous lands?(NOT OFFICE WORK!) I'm looking for
organizations like this that might have volunteer positions that will
lead to PAID POSITIONS ( I do not have a bottomless bankroll,
after-all). If these kind of organizations and positions can be
located, the next question is what skills do I need to apply? Do I
have to go back to school to get a degree or training to qualify? If
so, what schools? What would I "major" in? Cultural Anthropology?
Enviornmental education? Would I need an undergrad or masters degree
in order to be considered for such a paid position? Any
recommendations on a shorter route( less than the 4-6 years it would
take to recieve a degree)to gain the experience and skills necessary?
I'm willing to jump through whatever hoops necessary to get there, I
just need those hoops laid out for me.
Thanks! |
Clarification of Question by
13 Apr 2005 01:42 PDT
I know a lot about all the opportunities that exist for teaching
English. I have been considering it, but ultimately I know that
teaching English is not something that I am passionate about.
Actually, I would like to keep english-speaking and other forms of
globalization and modernization away from the few remote, animistic,
regions that still exist. I am wanting to work directly for preserving
indiginous cultures- thier rights, way of life, voices and visions.