daivid408 --
Based on your clarification and on the title of the book written by
this author, I am confident that the name you are looking for is Leith
Eaton. The name of her new book is "Journey to the Fountain of You,"
and she appeared on Larry King Live on Saturday, March 19, 2005.
Here is a link to a transcript of the interview:
CNN: Larry King Live: Transcripts: March 19, 2005
Yhe Leith interview was part of a broadcast devoted to the artistic
interests of the late Anthony Quinn. It begins about three-quarters
down the page linked above, and the transcriber of the interview
misspells the author's name as "Leith Beekman."
The correct name, however, is Leith Eaton. Here is a link to Ms.
Eaton's website, where she notes the fact of her March 19 Larry King
Leith Eaton
Search Strategy:
I was able to gradually zero in on the right person by using a variety
of Google searches related to the name of the book and the TV
appearance, the most successful of which was this one:
"fountain of you" larry
I was then able to find the transcript by searching at the CNN website
for its section related to Larry King Live, and then using the
"Transcripts" link on that page:
CNN: Larry King Live
If anything os unclear, or in the unlikely event that Ms. Leith is not
the person you are looking for, please ask for clarification before
rating the answer.
markj-ga |