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Hematology and Oncology
Category: Health Asked by: eddief-ga List Price: $10.00 |
14 Apr 2005 22:18 PDT
Expires: 14 May 2005 22:18 PDT Question ID: 509511 |
Why are Hematology and Oncology always grouped together? It seems that every Oncologist (cancer doctor) is also a Hematologist (blood doctor) and every Hematologist is also an Oncologist. I would think that not all blood disorders are cancer, or vise versa. Why are Oncology and Hematology always together? |
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Re: Hematology and Oncology
Answered By: crabcakes-ga on 15 Apr 2005 00:01 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Hi eddief, Hematology-Oncology(Heme/Onc) usually refers to the department that sees patients with blood and platelet disorders and cancers that are treated with a non-surgical therapy, such as bone marrow transplant, stem cell transplant, pheresis, or chemotherapy. (Think ?liquid? therapy when differentiating heme/onc from oncology) Types of cancer typically seen in a heme/onc department would be leukemias, lymphomas, Hodgkins, non-Hodgkins, multiple myelomas and immunological disorders. So, an oncologist is not a hematologist, or vice versa. But a hematologist oncologist is a hematologist that specializes in the diseases mentioned above. A hematologist oncologist would not treat operable cancers such as prostate cancer. Oncology usually refers a department that sees cancers that require surgical treatment such as ovarian cancers, throat and digestive system cancers, thyroid cancer, etc. Patients would be seen by an oncologist or a surgeon with experience in cancer surgery. Some doctors have received special training, or have experience with a certain kind of medicine, and may see and treat patients themselves without referring them to a specialist. Because disorders and diseases seen in heme/onc often overlap, it is more effective to have hematologists working closely with oncologists. Many patients see both ?heme? and ?onc? doctors during the course of their therapy. A breast cancer patient, for example, may be treated with a bone marrow transplant or stem cell transplant, and her oncologist would work in conjunction with the hematologist. Another benefit to doctors and patients is the heme/onc clinic is equipped with special microscopes and often have their own lab, which enables the doctors and medical technologists to make rapid diagnosis, or monitor patients quickly and efficiently. Hematologists and oncologists are well trained specialists that have the skills to identify cells under the microscope that general practice doctors often don?t posses. You are correct in stating that not all blood disorders are cancer. Most anemias, such as iron deficiency anemia, infectious agents, anemias caused by red cell defects and hemoglobinopathies, etc. are certainly not cancerous, but are treated by hematologists. Again, hematologists study ALL forms of blood disorders, cancerous and non-cancerous, but they are not oncologists, and would not treat colon cancer. Large hospitals often have a routine hematology lab, where blood is tested on most in-patients. The CBC (Complete Blood Count) is the most well known hematology test, and is run on most in-patients at some time during their stay. If a blood disorder, lymphoma or leukemia is found, or suspected, the patient?s doctor will refer them to a hematologist, if they feel it is necessary. From there, the hematologist orders specialized tests run on highly sophisticated equipment by specialized medical technologists, and usually run in the ?Special Hematology? lab, or the Heme/Onc lab, within the heme/onc department. To further complicate matters, there are many doctors who have multiple specialties. There are no hard and fast rules in this area! If this is not the information you were seeking, please do not rate the answer until you are satisfied. Simply request an Answer Clarification, and I will clarify things for you as soon as possible. Sincerely, Crabcakes Search Terms Personal experience working in a Heme/Onc laboratory | |
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rated this answer:![]() Well said with excellent content. Clarification was also appreciated. Thank You. |
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Re: Hematology and Oncology
From: linezolid-ga on 18 Apr 2005 08:56 PDT |
There is a very simple answer to this question which was missed. The reason that just about every hematologist is an oncologist (and vice versa) is that under the current training system, doctors who want to do one also train in the other. To wit: After 4 years of undergrad, 4 years of medical school, and 3 years of internal medicine residency, a doctor has the option to subspecialize by taking a fellowship in a particular discipline --- usually on the order of another 3 years. The subspecialities in internal medicine include (to name but a few) cardiology (matters relating to the heart), gastroenterology (matters relating to the gut), endocrinology (matters relating to hormones), and hematology/oncology (matters relating to blood diseases as well as solid tumors). Now just because you do a heme/onc fellowship does not mean you have to see all kinds of patients. If your particular area of interest is breast cancer, for example, you could attempt to sub-subspecialize in that, so to speak. It might be difficult to get enough patients to make ends meet, of course, which is why most people in this position have a broader practice. Hematology is difficult to focus on, for this very reason. There are simple not enough patients who require the services of a hematologist (in most areas) for a physician to avoid the solid tumors. Thus if your interest is hematology, chances are that you will also see patients with, say, lung, breast, colon, and prostate cancer (which are the most common tumors in the US). Someone who specializes purely in blood disorders (or even in particular types of blood disorders) is likely to be someone who has been around for a long time, is well-known in the field, and gets enough referrals of difficult or refractory cases from other doctors to be able to do just that. As to the question as to WHY hematology and oncology are grouped together, I can only speculate that hematologists deal with both cancer and non-cancer blood diseases, and that it seems semi-natural for that to be associated with solid tumors as well. |
Re: Hematology and Oncology
From: linezolid-ga on 18 Apr 2005 09:07 PDT |
An addendum: To correct what I see of as misinformation in the original answer: oncology is a multidisciplinary field where internists, radiation oncologists, and surgeons of various stripes (general, chest, gynecologic, and ENT, for example) all work together. A heme/onc department will often see and treat patients who have received or will receive non-liquid forms of therapy, such as surgery or radiation. The idea that oncology is a field distinct from hematologists/oncologists and that it involves only non-chemical type therapies is simply not true. For example: the oncology service on which I am working right now includes patients who have had surgery and are receiving adjuvant chemotherapy; patients who have received neo-adjuvant chemotherapy (or radiotherapy, or radiochemotherapy) first, followed by surgery; patients who have only had chemotherapy; patients who have only had surgery; patients who have failed one modality and are being treated with another; and so on. The distinction between "liquid" and "non-liquid" therapies simply does not differentiate between hematologic and oncologic diseases: some patients with solid tumors have chemotherapy, some have radiotherapy, some have surgery, and some have a combination. Likewise, patients with blood cancers, such as lymphomas and leukemias, can have any or all of these therapies as well. |
Re: Hematology and Oncology
From: crabcakes-ga on 18 Apr 2005 10:56 PDT |
Thank you linezoid, for adding some great information to my answer. However, I supplied no "misinformation"! I clearly stated that oncologists perform surgery and the professions do overlap and work together. The answer was explained in lay terms to make it easy for all to understand. Your explanation was very well done, but mine is not "misinformation" Regards, Crabcakes |
Re: Hematology and Oncology
From: linezolid-ga on 19 Apr 2005 06:59 PDT |
Hi again. Strictly speaking, I don't want to get into a big argument about this as it's relatively unimportant. I must say, though, that oncologists are doctors who have done a residency in internal medicine and a fellowship in hematology/oncology. They do not perform surgery. They give chemotherapy and coordinate with other doctors who perform surgery (general surgeons, thoracic surgeons, gynecologic surgeons, ear-nose-and-throat surgeons, plastic surgeons, and various subspecialities and sub-subspecialities within these fields, to name but a few), and with doctors who provide radiotherapy (radiation oncologists, who belong to another subspecialty of internal medicine). Cheers. |
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