I am looking for an online transcript of a good debate, preferably an
email discussion.
It doesn't matter what subject it is, except that it must be
understandable to a general reader, but it needs to have two or more
different points of view. Ideally, the participants are genuinely
trying to define the issue and come up with mutually acceptable
answers, definitions, or solutions. (I don't want idealogues who
defiantly stick to their initial positions, except if they can argue
honestly about them.)
The ideal transcript will be one created over a period of time, with
initial arguments, supporting evidence, rebuttals, logical analysis,
perhaps with others in the sidelines pitching in occasionally.
It would be even better if we (the readers of the transcript) can see
the different issues take shape, grow and diminish, the focus of the
argument shift, and a final resolution come into view.
Final requirements: the transcript should be available online and to
the public (no subscriptions; registrations may be OK, depending on the
One pretty good example of a good transcript is "The Path to a
Hydrogen Economy", which is a
transcript of a Congressional Hearing. It contains testimony from a variety of
people, as well as a discussion moderated by the committee. Finally it has
supporting documentation in the appendices. It would be even better if
it was an email discussion. Also, it should really be availible as a
text file, not a pdf.
Link to Hearings Catalog page: http://www.gpoaccess.gov/chearings/108hcat1.html
Link to transcript document (11MB PDF):
http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=108_house_hearings&docid=f:85417.wais.pdf |